December 27, 1941
4 P.M. Sat. 12-27-41
Dear Folks:
This is just going to be a little note, written mainly to supplement my last letter. I found, after I had written that last one, that I hadn’t answered a couple of your questions. Then too, I just had to let you see the swell U.S.O. stationary I purloined in one of the clubs in town. I took a handful as I went out of the club one night, not knowing that you were going to supply me like you did.
Well that certainly was a surprise about Lee & Mickey getting married. Couldn’t quite believe it when I saw their names in the clipping you sent me. I’ll bet they’re both walking around about a foot above the ground. Too bad they had to break up their long-awaited honeymoon so soon. Rolie wrote me saying that each one of the Kins were going to contribute a couple of dollars towards a wedding present for them. He’s going to get them something nice at Clausins. I’m going to get a letter off to him tonight & enclose the money if I can just stay in the writing mood. I come over here to the Service Club just about every night with the intention to write letters but I can’t always do it. I have to be in the mood.
I’m gaining a little weight – not much but at least I’m on the right road. Last Sat. when I was in town shopping I stepped on a scale & the hand flew over to 155 lbs. The scale was cockeyed – I found out later.
All of us boys at Regimental Hdqts. were presented with a Xmas card. It has all of our names in it & will make a fine memento. I’ll send it home so you can keep it for me.
Well that’s all I have to say so I’ll end while I’ve still a chance. Hope you’re both well.
Love Dorance