February 1, 1942


Midnight Feb. 1, 1942

Regimental Hdqts.

Dear Mom and Dad:

Hello again – guess what? Here I am on C.Q. again, this time I drew weekend duty which means I’m not getting an over abundance of sleep over Sat. and Sun. You see, weekend C.Q. extends from Sat. at 4:30 P.M. to Mon. 6:30 A.M. We only draw it once every two months or so – ‘tis a good thing too because one only averages about nine hours sleep in the two days.

I got your letter about last Tuesday – very prompt too. May I commend you? I’m afraid I haven’t followed suit as well as I could have. Don’t know where all my time goes to but I sure do have a tough time getting all my letter writing done – I’m always in the hole. Guess I’ll quit trying so hard I’m happier in the hole anywhere anyway. Don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have something to worry about.

Now, why don’t I answer some of your latest queries? 1. Do I have any time to read? Well yes, but not as much as I used to. I’m now sleeping in headquarters barracks you know, and it’s a lot different from having a private room like we had in A of the 8th. You see we all live in a regular squad-room now. I rather like it though, because now I’m right with all the boys that I work with at headquarts. (now lets get back to the question in mind) The fact that reading in a room full of noisy soldiers would be a lot tougher than in a private room, is perfectly obvious. Then too we have to spend a little of our spare time polishing shoes, cleaning windows, scrubbing floors, and putting our foot and wall lockers in order. Hdqts. Btry. Used to be very careless about the condition and cleanliness of their quarters. One day the Colonel pulled a surprise inspection on them and (you guessed it) found an over excess of plain ol’ filth. From that date on we’ve had a Sgt. Major drop in on us every morning to see that the necessary chores are done. The battery never had to stand reveille either before, but now we do. I don’t mind this last form of punishment tho because now I always get up in time to have breakfast – I’d miss it half the time in the other battery. (that paragraph was supposed to be about reading, just thought I’d let you know).

2. Should you have sent me some blotters? No. the U.S.O. Club furnishes everything except the printing paper, and that only costs me three cents apiece for a 5 by 7 sheet. I’ve been in twice now and have made about 20 enlargements (most of them for friends). If I can swing a furlough this month I’ll bring them home with me. If not – I’ll mail them to you.

3. Have I gained any weight? Some. About 7 or 8 pounds and I think it’s mostly around my waist cuz I find my belt is getting a bit smaller these days.

4. How’s my typing coming? Well? How is it coming? I haven’t had a chance to use it at work as yet, but I no doubt will before long. You asked me if I didn’t get a specialist’s rating. I’m sure I told you a couple of months ago that I made a 5th class rating. That pays $36 bucks a month. And by the way we were payed yesterday so do I ever feel rich. After I take a few weekend tripsc trips, I won’t feel so much that way.

5. Can’t say anything about blackouts except that we have them all right – so far they’ve all been practice ones.

Deitrich and myself went to Lumberton last weekend – pretty nice little town about 35 miles from Bragg. I met myself a cute little number down there too – her name is Mary Lee Taylor. I must have aced myself in pretty well too because I got a letter from her the following Tues. I answered directly and suggested a date for next Sat. night. Expect an answer tomorrow.

"Mary Lee Taylor. Lumberton, NC"

"Mary Lee Taylor. Lumberton, NC"

Lumberton Pass.jpg

I’m still writing to Marion of course, but in the mean time if I can have a nice girl or two down here to see on weekends, it sure will help to round out this army life of mine. Then when I come home I suppose I’ll forget about all the others.

Looks like Raymond Christiansen turned out to be quite the little (should say big) student. I was very surprised to hear about his being in the class play and the operetta. He was such a shy and easily frightened lad as a boy. Nice kid – glad he’s doing so well.

Just had a long-distance phone call from a soldier stranded in Washington D.C. He was supposed to meet a sgt. There and get a ride back to camp. He has to take a bus now and will be AWOL for a few hours. I’ll have to notify his Btry. Commander so that he won’t get too much h___ for it. They get pretty rough with a man if he’s late these days.

Well seems if I’m having trough trouble concentrating so I if you don’t mind I’ll f just end right here. (notice all those last minute mistakes – this C.Q. is finally starting to getting me).

Good night and write soon.



Christian Olsen