August 7, 1942


August 7, 1942

Dear Mom & Dad:

-No- I’m not out of stationary. Just wanted to see how it went to write on lines. So far I’m doing all right, I guess the old Army has really got me on line.

Today – I got a postcard from Nancy Ann’s ma. She says they’re going to have the baby christened next Sun, & she (Nancy) keeps asking why I won’t be there. I don’t suppose Dot has told her much about the present World situation. That’s probably why she doesn’t realize why I can’t be there.

That wedding of Alines must have been quite an affair judging by the way the papers wrote it up. Was Jenille all thrilled about being flower girl? How is little Billy these days – growing much?


Bob Coll is now a 2nd LT. & stationed in Indiantown Gap, Penn. The guy dropped in to see me last Wed. on his way up there but I didn’t get to see him. I was in town with some of the boys for supper. Came back at 8 o’clock but he had already left – he wrote a note saying hello & telling me where he was going. Too bad I didn’t get to see him with his bars – I’ll bet he looked great.

The weather has been hot as the deuce up until Wed. – we had a rain storm then & it’s been nice since. These nights down here are perfect for sleeping but the days are hot enough to keep you in a constant sweat.

I’m sending home a little surplus money ($15) in form of a money order enclosed herewith. Hope you found it & if so you would make me very happy if you would just salt it away in the old 1st National. Maybe I’ll get a furlough soon so I can come home & draw it out again. If I dare predict, I expect I’ll see y’all again around the first part of Sept. Tell daddy to get on to his golf game because I intend to [trim?] the pants off him when I get home. And I’m just the guy what can do it too.


Well tomorrow is Saturday & another weekend rolls around. This time, for the first time this summer, I intend to play a game of golf tomorrow. We have a foursome scheduled. Our only big worry is the golf-ball situation. They furnish clubs here in the Moral office but no balls. I only hope we can get some at the course. We have the car & the gas so we’re all set to go. Sunday will find George & I, if I guess right, out at the Fayetteville Country Club just swimming & diving all over the place. Got to soak up a little more sun you know – it has to last the whole week.

Now I’m a fixin’ to hit the bunk so I’ll just say good-night. Take care of yourselves – I[‘ll] see you soon maybe. Goodnight.

Love, Dorance

Christian Olsen