April 18, 1943
Sun. April 18
Hello Mom & Dad:
How’s everything & everybody? Come to think of it I believe this letter is a little overdue – hope you didn’t worry about me. Have been busy as usual now that we are so close to that red-letter day.
I’m starting to get a little excited about graduation now because its only a week & a half away. Of course around here a week & ½ is a long time the way they slap the work at us. We are in Tactics now & learning just about everything in general that we haven’t touched-on in previous classes. The last week has been mostly inside classroom work but from now on we’ll be doing practical work in the field – they call it R.S.O.P. which stands for Reconnaissance, Selection, & Occupation of Position. It’s the science of setting up an artillery unit in the field in battle position.
Went in town yesterday & bought my uniform after waiting for 2 weeks for the P.X. to get in a new supply. I had to pay a little more in town but it’s a better looking outfit I think. So far I’ve bought 2 prs. Of pinks, 1 pair of greens (they match the blouse, 2 khaki shirts, 1 green shirt (dark), caps, & insignia). Total $115.00. Oh yeah that also includes a field jacket. Isn’t it a crime the way I spend Uncle Sam’s money? And I still have to get a coat, shoes, a khaki outfit, raincoat & incidentals such as fatigues & field equipment. This is going to be an expensive proposition! I’m going to buy all my sox, shorts, & hankies here at the Q.M. – cheap & good stuff.
I wasn’t going to get a Garrison Cap (with visor) but I guess you’d give me the dickens if I didn’t get one – so I will. If I remember right you wondered why I didn’t have one before.
Had a letter from Lee in which he sent me some cloth bars to sew on my fatigues. He said he was going to get home soon & would drop in to see you when he did. Maybe I’ll get to see him if I’m lucky.
I got the footlocker in good shape & it really fits the bill. The day before it came the P.X. got a shipment of 600 lockers & I could have got one for $6.50. Isn’t that just my luck? Thanks for it & also for the Juster’s Price list – I’m going to pay ‘em a visit when I get home.
Say, Daddy, get the golf courses open & we’ll hit a few when I get home.
So long for now. I’ll write again soon – promise.
Love, Dorance