June 21, 1943 (Marion Sneen)
June 21, 1943
Dear Dippy –
Well, I’ll be <damned> darned. Maybe you think we weren’t disappointed. Had a reservation and everything – but cancelled it Wed. when I got the wire. La Verne & I donned the roll of “housekeeper” and cleaned our apartment from stem to stern purposely for your inspection – Nuts! Sure we’d have had to clean anyway but not so thoroughly.
If you can get a leave at anytime just wire or something, or just come. Both of you will be welcome – no kidding.
Tonight I donated my second pint of blood and am a bit shaky so excuse my penmanship, huh?
Just happened to think we may have a house by the next time you can come (what do I mean “next”). At least we’re looking. Don’t worry about writing to this present address ‘cause I’ll see to it that I’ll get my mail and will notify you if we move – so write here and advise of any potentialities. To heck (mild isn’t it?) with your finances, Dippy. We could have fun doing most nothing, or anything, or something. Come on in!
We were just leaving for work Wed. morn & were planning on meeting you kids at the station after work, when I spied you “unwelcome wire” under the door. I read it about three times because I was so sure you’d get in.
Well, guess we can “prepare” (or shouldn’t we) again. Maybe that’s the drawback. I’ll believe it when I see you.
“a pessimistic character with a crabapple face.”
362 Loma Drive
Los Ang. 13, Calif.