October 3, 1943
Dear Mom & Dad: I’m still here in the same spot we landed, but expecting to move very shortly. I have yet to be assigned to a permanent unit. Have received no mail since landing so it’s probably being forwarded to my next station. I was put on special duty today as a mail censor – an interesting job at first but monotonous after the novelty wears off. Guess I make a poor censor because I surely hate to cut up the boys’ letters. Last night we had a U.S.O. show featuring Moxie Rosenbloom at our outdoor theater. He does comedy stuff – a little corny, but anything is appreciated out here. You asked me what I wanted for Christmas – I’ll take an early peace & a fast boat-ride back to the states & home. Seriously tho I can’t think of a thing I need except maybe a box of stationery. The boys claim it’s hard to get any decent paper over here. Daddy – in case I don’t get to write in the next few days, I’d better wish you a very happy birthday! I’m feeling great & thinking of you. Hope you are too. Bye.
Love, Dorance