May 24, 1944
S. W. Pacific
May 24, 1944
Dear Mom & Dad:
Sorry to be late again with my little message but this time I have a pretty valid excuse. Just got back from the “field” where we’ve been out on a 3 day problem. Yup we’ve been out sleeping under the bright sparkling stars. It’s not so bad sleeping out these nights cuz the weather is warm & pleasant. I just roll up my sheets, blankets, & mattress in one big bundle & tote the whole works along. The ground is much softer that way. Next week we’ll be having another of the same kind of problem.
I’m enclosing a M.O. in the amount of $60. My insurance comes due around the 1st of June so would appreciate it if you would pay it for me & bank whats left of the total. I’ll get paid next week, so will be sending home another money order soon. I didn’t expect to have any left over this month cuz I bought a bond apiece for little Nancy & Spence. I also increased my bond allotment from $25 a month to $50 a month, so don’t be surprised when you notice the change.
My Life magazine has finally started to come thru – first copy arrived yesterday dated April 24 which is not too bad, eh? The Reader’s Digest is coming regularly. I surely do appreciate the condensed copy of the Minnesota News you send me, Daddy. I’ve discovered articles in there about a lot of old school buddies of mine that are now overseas.
Say Mamma – next time you talk to Esther please bring her up to date on the situation over here. Tell her I’m now a proud member of the 25th Div. & have been to the “Canal”, New Georgia, New Zealand, & now here. And at the same time “tip her off” to the fact that I don’t answer to the APO #7092 any longer. She wrote a V-mail on my birthday which I received today. You must get her on-the-ball. Mail service straight from the states to here is slow enough without rerouting it through the Solomons.
I haven’t seen Lee & Roge for almost a month now because I’ve been too busy learning my new job. I hope to see them this Sat. night, however, it’s possible that the Division will have a parade this Sunday & that will complicate matters.
We have movies here almost every nite now & naturally we always attend; nothing else to do. Next week we are having “Jane Eyre”, which is a movie I’ve waited for [for] a long time.
We are still getting our case of Schlitz every month like clockwork. Our P.X. is doing all right too. We are now buying none other than Whitman’s chocolates. They came sealed fresh in cans about as large as a coffee can.
I meant to explain about that “grinning toothpaste ad” picture I sent you last month. You remember how I used to focus my camera on the cracks of the teeth to insure a sharp picture. Well that’s what I thought “Fox” was doing when he went ahead & snapped it. Too bad they stopped the other pics – they were much better than those that got thru.
Don’t know how my weight is, cuz there’s no scale around here to weigh in on. I know I haven’t gained much, anyhow I don’t feel any heavier. Do I look it in the photos?
You wondered why that one letter was opened by the censor. Well whenever we include photographs we have to send them to the base censor for his scrutiny.
Well I guess Spring has really settled on Mpls. by now, eh? Marion Sneen tells me that Excelsior has opened up for dancing & that’s a sure sign. No doubt you’re both out watering the lawn or cutting the grass these evenings now. Or am I a little early? Daddy – have you dug any big divots lately?
No – haven’t seen Stassen yet & I probably won’t – I’m a rugged field soldier. I doubt if he’s ever seen a K-ration.
I haven’t heard from Dot lately so, I ‘spect she & the rest of her clan are on their merry way toward New York. My roommate Armani is from N.Y. & he keeps telling me of all the fun I’m going to have in the big city when I visit the Jordans. He’s going to fix me up with a date when the day comes.
The mosquitos are getting ferocious & must move around in self defense so I’ll say good night now. Hello to all.
Love, Dorance