June 19, 1944
S.W. Pacific
Mon. June 19, ‘44
Dear Mom & Dad:
Just got back from the show – we had that great woman killer & swoon crooner Frank Sinatra in Higher and Higher. It was just like the Hit Parade, every time Franky came on all the men screamed & gasped the way his female audience usually does. The consensus of opinion among the warriors of the 8th Field is definitely against the lad. Personally I don’t mind his singing at all – I’m afraid he’s a victim of poor publicity.
Last week we had another of those 3 day maneuvers. I was an umpire – had to travel around & mark fires where the batteries fired their concentrations. When an outfit fires on a bridge, crossroad or something, I had to set off a smoke pot to represent the shells bursting. We had radios in jeeps over which we received our various orders and location of targets. We carried rations & sleeping gear in a trailer & slept right alongside the jeep at night.
The General (Div. Arty. Cmdr.) was here for dinner today as a guest of the Bn. C.O. He’s certainly a jolly old bird & well liked by both officers & men. We had toasted-cheese sandwiches, & I think he liked them. Hope so, cuz I’m the poor mess officer.
Yesterday was a very beautiful Sunday. Went to church in the morning & afterwards we had our usual volleyball game – staff vs. Hdqs. Btry. They beat us then, but today after drill hours we played them again & really cleaned their clocks.
Dorothy wrote from Austin & told me that the War Bonds have been delivered. Didn’t expect such prompt delivery.
Doesn’t the war news sound good now? At last we seem to be crawling out from beneath our shell. I expect to see lots of action in all theaters before long. The sooner the better - & the quicker we get to see the Golden Gate again.
I’ll say g’nite now. Feel wonderful & hope you both do too.
Love, Dorance