January 9, 1945


Jan. 9, 1945

Dear Mom & Dad –

I guess you’ve been waiting not so patiently for this letter from me. I surely hope you haven’t worried about me, cuz I’m just swell. Just haven’t had much time for writing these days. I’m feeling great – eating well – & the morale is good. I had three letters from you awhile back & will answer them as soon as time & opportunity permits. I’m glad to hear that everything is O.K. back home. Heard over the radio last night that Midwestern states were blanketed in snow & enjoying some sub-zero weather. And here we are sweating our heads off. I take about 4 or 5 salt pills a day. I certainly would love to jump in a snow bank right now. I’d probably sizzle. Hope you will write often even if I don’t, and keep me posted on all the boys & friends back there. It’s chow time now so g’bye & again – don’t forget to write.

All my love, the son


Jan. 9, ‘45

Dear Marion –

Spose you’ve been wondering what the h—l happened to Dip. Well you see I’ve been out on a date every night & drilling all day long so there just isn’t time to write. And besides with all the gals on my list you can’t expect a letter more often than once a month. The truth is (before you get mad & won’t read any farther) I can’t say except that I’m too busy. I’m feeling swell these days and having as good a time as possible. I received several letters from you awhile back and promise to answer them when I get a chance. We hadn’t had any mail for a long spell, & what a good feeling it was to hear from you again. Like a good long drink of water when you’re thirsty. I hope you’ll continue to write Marion & often – it really helps. I’ll do the same as often as I can. Say hi to all our friends & Maggie Merfs. Hope you had a Merry Christmas – did you?

Love, Dip

Christian Olsen