February 13, 1945 (to Marion Sneen)


Tues. Feb. 13, 1945


Dear Marion –

The war has slowed down for a couple of hours so I’ll say hello – “hello!” I went up the front today, collared the General & told him to take time out, cuz I hadn’t written you for quite a spell. So he did - & I am.

Gee, I really feel tops right now – just had a bath in a cool stream running right alongside my position. Right in the middle of soaping down a couple of gals (about 18 I should judge) came up & asked us if we had any dirty clothes for them to wash. They were completely unconcerned & unabashed – eh gads what a country!

Well, Marion, I spose & hope you’ve written, but I certainly haven’t received any mail from you. Not since yours dated Jan. 12th. How about it?

I’m afraid this letter’s going to be a mess when you get it – it’s windy as the deuce today & I just had to chase this thing across a couple of rice fields.

Things are going just swell here, Marion, the “rising sun” is slowly but surely setting. Two days ago our bn. knocked a whole Jap convoy of trucks, tanks, & field guns – even a Jap general riding in a new Nash. Our liaison officer was the one who adjusted the artillery on it. It was quite a blow to the enemy & no doubt saved the lives of a lot of doughboys – if that outfit had gotten into position it would have been expensive rooting them out.

The most excitement I’ve had recently is knocking out an enemy ammunition dump. I was registering on a base point by air when one of the rounds landed squarely in the dugout – purely a lucky shot. Anyway the pieces flew every which way & the smoke rose 2000ft. in the air – the explosion rocked the airplane. It was really fun & a thrill.

My Mom wrote & told me all about the 5 inches of snow you lucky people got back there – she said it was probably ideal for skiing. S’pose by now you have several layers on top of that 5 inches. Gosh, sure wish I could be there  to join you in a trip out to Moon Valley or Glenwood.


We’re listening to Radio Tokio at the moment. They are very obligingly furnishing us with some sweet swing. Hmm – Amapolo – brings back sweet memories. Gee – how I could go for a night of dancing to a good mellow band and a spacious dance floor & guess who for a partner. Let’s see Tues. night – an odd night to date I guess but at least we avoid the crowds. Where shall we go – to some night club, hotel, or to that new (or was new at least 4 yrs. ago when I was home) dance hall over in St. Paul. You know, for some reason, I never did get over there to see that place and I’ve always been curious.

This is a big day – we’re getting a beer ration of 6 cans per man.

Gotta quit now Marion we just got a fire mission – will write again soon, Bye.

Love, Dip

Christian Olsen