May 19, 1945
May 19, 1945
Dear Mom & Dad –
Haven’t had a letter now for about 5 days – it must be held-up somewhere. Consequently this one will probably be short – not having any letter from you to answer.
Things are about the same here & with me. We’re still fighting. Couple o’ days ago I had the sniffles & anticipated a peachy cold but they went away & nothing resulted. Feel fine.
I have a new pair of combat boots which I bought at the Div. Q.M. and they are really coming in handy. The wet season is here & we’re swimming in mud. Our home is a deep-bulldozed hole, sandbagged on the sides & covered with a fly (canvas). Thru the middle of it we have a big trough where the torrents of water drain thru. Our position is right at the foot of a big hill mass – all the water drains right into us, so we really have to scurry & worry when it starts to pour. Yesterday our sandbag wall caved on us from the force of the soaked & swelling earth. The sun was out again today so we made hasty repairs – all set for the next downpour.
Am enclosing a little money I’ve saved up in 3 money orders. They ought to swell the account a good bit. At this rate I ought to be able to take some trips, get married, have three children, go to school, and go into some kind of business all at the same time. Don’t you think? Or do you think that program is a little ambitious? At any rate I’ve got lots more money now than I would have had had I not gotten into the army. With the G.I. Bill of Rights to take care of my schooling I’m going to be right in the driver’s seat.
Bob Coll wrote a long five page letter from Germany telling me all about his personal experiences & the history of his stay in Europe. He is now biding his time and expecting a journey home soon. Gosh I’d like to be sitting in his shoes about now. The war is over for him & many others over there.
Roge Loper also wrote – he’s now in an Engineer Const. Bn. and finally away from behind a desk. He loves it. His letter was written aboard ship, so evidently he’s on his way in this direction.
Well – no more news so will say so long till I get a letter from you. Hope you are all well. Don’t worry ‘bout me.
Love, Dorance