June 1, 1945



June 1, 1945

Dear Mom & Dad –

I’ve been very busy lately – that’s why I haven’t written as often as I would have liked. You see I have a new job now – Btry. executive. That means I am in charge of the firing btry. itself – the men who actually fire the guns. It’s one of the most cherished jobs in F.A. Naturally I like it very much. That makes me #2 boy in the Btry., & also means I won’t have to sweat out so much front line duty. That F.O. job is one I’m glad to get rid of – all I’ll say right now is that I’ve used up a good share of my chances since I’ve been out with the doughfeet. ‘Nuff said. Anyway I just thought I’d let you know so you wouldn’t worry anymore – I’ll be swell in the rear. Glad?


Boy – did I make points with the Colonel the other day – he’s our new Bn. commander. He found out I was a Mpls. man, so called me in for a long chat. We discovered all kinds of mutual acquaintances. For instance I graduated with his sister & he graduated a half year before Dorothy from Roosevelt. He’s a West Pointer – name Dean M. Benson. Everyone in the Bn. likes him – he’s one swell egg. He also knows the Wielands very well – went to the same church & C.E. Has dated the twins. He knows several of Dots school friends – the Olson twins, Klund, Asgaard, Ross, etc. We also figured out that he & I were at Scout camp about the same time. Can you see the points piling up? He knows Earl Benson, but no relation, altho strangely enough has a brother by that name. He was interested in knowing all about you both & wondered if Daddy knew Ben Benson his uncle from Scottish Rite – he’s about 70. He wanted me to give you the address of a good Swedish friend of his that he said you’d enjoy knowing. In case you went to look her up the name is Elsie C. Nelson 3933 Blaisdell. The amazing thing about her is that she has a boyfriend by the name of Phillip Walbom who’s been courting her for only 30 yrs. They’re practically man & wife but live separately – a jolly couple according to my buddy the Col.

The Filipino’s have been driving on the left side of the road since carts were invented & we have too since landing here. But today the custom is broken & everyone switches to the right side. I guess it’s because the majority of traffic is Yankee. I’ll bet there’ll be some headaches before these natives become re-oriented.


Yes I still have the cot that I found alongside the road, and sleep on it every night. No, we don’t wear summer uniform – it’s strictly fatigues, steel helmets, and combat boots.

The Armed Services Editions are not newspapers – they’re little books much like pocketbooks. Just finished reading Vanity Fair & now its Way of All Flesh.

Can’t tell you much about the point system – it’s taboo, but I can assure you that this old Division is going to lose a lot of men. I won’t be one of ‘em – not enuff pts. I’m afraid I’ll just have to hope for an early end to hostilities.

Pretty nice – all those medals that Bud earned himself while over there. That air corps does all right for itself. I’ll bet Virgy is pretty proud. I’ll settle for a Kins Club pin in the lapel of a tweed suit.

Well that’s all the news for now – gotta go to work. Hope everything at home is OK. So long.

Love, Dorance

Christian Olsen