April 14, 1942


Tues. April 14, 1942 9:30 P.M.

-Service Club-

Dear Mom & Dad:

Hello again from Bragg. Well, here I am back in harness again. Already the furlough seems like only a dream I had. Certainly felt blue Sunday & Monday, but I’m beginning to snap out of it now. The change over from one mode of living to another is really a strange thing. I was just starting to get used to civilian life again when I had to leave home. When I got back here I found it just as hard to get back into the swing of Army life. However, I had a pretty swell furlough & only hope I’ll get a permanent one soon.

Did you get my telegram (night letter)? I sent it Sun. afternoon on the way thru Sanford. I received your post card & was overjoyed to hear that Dot & the babe are O.K. All the boys know all about my being an Uncle. Told ‘em I was right on the scene helping Arlo pace. Anything they name her is O.K. with me – she’ll still be my favorite niece. I hope Dot will soon be well enough to sit up & knock out a letter to me.

Say there Daddy what’s the idea layin around in the sick bed when thar’s golf to be played? Understand it’s getting warmer up there so it should be good playing weather.

We had a very enjoyable trip back to Bragg. It was a swell route you had mapped out for us – good roads all the way & very scenic. The countryside was very beautiful from Cincinnati thru the mountain ranges. As soon as we got on this side of the Smoky Mts. The weather got balmy & everything was starting to bud.

We rolled into Bragg at about 5 P.M. Took our time all the way & still made pretty good time. Stopped over for 4 hours at Portsmouth – we hit a nite club & did a little dancing. We made several other short stopovers to eat & wash. The three of us changed off on the driving about every 150 miles so it didn’t get a bit tiresome. The eats were swell & by the way those swell sandwiches you made were gone by the time we hit Madison, Wisc.

Had a lot of mail waiting for me when I got back so I guess I’ll be busy for awhile. Well that’s about all for now. So good by.

Love, Dorance

Christian Olsen