April 22, 1942


Wed. April 22, 1942

Dear Folks:

Hello again – how’re the folks at home? Nothing exciting has happened here of late so I don’t know what to make a letter out of – but here goes anyway.

I’m feeling swell. Weathers very nice. The days are sunny & warm. Have been working hard all day at Hdqts. & have just now gotten caught up on my work. Everything was in arrears when I came back off of furlough. Sgt. Hebert, my co-worker, is a good egg personally, but is not exactly what you’d call a conscientious worker.

Haven’t done much letter writing on my spare time since furlough & consequently I’ve got to cook with gas for awhile – I’m way behind. Instead of writing I’ve been doing some reading – seeing some shows - & getting a lot of sleep.

My mail has been rather meager lately. Guess I’d better write so I’ll get a few. Don Werdick sent me a invitation to his marriage which is coming off Sat. morning on May 2nd. I’m going to write him a letter wishing him the best of luck & then send a card of congrat. after the event. Hope that will wake care of the amenities. Also got a letter from Mickie Stensrud in which she said she was sorry for not being home when I was over to see her. She & Vic took it upon themselves (very patriotic like) to entertain a couple of soldiers from Ft. Snelling on Easter Sun. They showed the boys such a good time that they wanted repeat performances, so Mickie says she’s going to stick to knitting from now on. I guess she intends to stay true to the Sgt.

George & I went to Sanford last weekend & had another of these very hospitable & enjoyable times. If you remember – I told you about going to Red Springs just before furlough. Well – while we were there we met a very charming gal from Sanford. She was visiting a girlfriend there at the college. So this weekend we made an attempt to find this girl. We didn’t know her last name or her address so it was rather a slim possibility. However for a couple of wolves like George & myself it was a cinch.


After looking for her Sat. afternoon & Sat. eve at the dance, we decided to give up. Then Sun. we decided to go to church, Ah – the climax! As we walked down the isle to our pew I happened to glance up at the choir. There she was right in the front row – dressed in a long white gown. She was smiling at us so we know she remembered us. On looking over the Church Bulletin I discovered that she was a leader in the Young Peoples organization. After further inspection of the Bulletin I discovered to my (I mean our) surprise that her dad was the pastor. He preaches a very interesting sermon too by the way. It was the First Presbyterian Church – I’ll probably be a member soon. Think I’ll get religious all of a sudden like.

When the services were over a lady came up to us, as we walked down the isle, & asked us if we would please have dinner at her home – she explained further that she was the pastor’s wife. Wow this thing was working just right. We accepted with gusto & then went out & met Lucille (Gibson’s the last name).

Their home was just across the street so it was very handy. Her father came home after we had been there for a half hour or so. He wasn’t at all like the reserved straight-laced minister we expected to meet. He was very friendly to us & put us very much at ease from the first. He was the Rev. Rains type – quite young – full of fun – a regular fellow. Her mother was the same type – as nice as they come. She has two sisters one of which was a 4 year old tyke named Mary Shaw. George & I had a picnic playing with her all afternoon. In fact I think we made a bigger hit with her than we did Lucille.

They put on a swell dinner for us – we had some real Southern Fried Chicken. Served in the best Southern manner too – beginning with a prayer by Mr. Gibson.

The only trouble with the whole deal is that George & I both like the girl. Isn’t that the bunk. Oh well – we probably haven’t either of us got a chance anyway. We shall see what we shall see. We shall probably see more of Sanford.

Oh yeah, Daddy, I forgot to mention that Rev. Gibson plays a lot of golf. He’s pretty fair too according to Lucille – has a set of Jones irons & Kroydon woods. That’s what you have, if I remember correctly. Have you done yourself anything proud on the Country Club layout since I was home?

Haven’t had any word from Dot & Arlo yet but I expect to as soon as she can write – which should be soon I imagine. What’s the final dope on the baby’s name? Has Elaine heard from Dwight? Is Walt still out of a job? Did you have a good time in Austin, Momma, taking care of the young Miss Jordan?

That’s quite a batch of queries. D’ya think ya can answer ‘em all? Well? I’m waitin’ on ya!

Love, Dorance

Christian Olsen