May 5, 1942
7 P.M. Tues, 5-5-42
Dear Folksies:
Hi ya! Just going to write a quick letter to let you know I’m in the best of health & everythings hokay-dokay. I guess things are o.k. there too – am I right.
The reason this letter is to be a quickie is that I’m going back to Hdqts. in a few minutes knock out some work. They’re really keepin’ me steppin’ these days. You see Sgt. Hebert is on a 10 day furlough so everything now falls on my shoulders. I was on C.Q. over the weekend so I did some work then & then I worked about an hour last night. I ought to be a Sgt. soon the way I’m buckin’.
Played a set of tennis last night & it was so much fun that I’ve decided to ask you to send my tennis shoes. Won’t need my racket because the battery has 4 good rackets for our use & very few of us are interested in the game.
Haven’t done anything along the Air Corps line yet. Don’t think I’ll be in too much of a hurry about it until I start getting bored with my job down at Hdqts. I’m doing pretty well down there I think, and learning something all the time, so why should I be in a hurry to make a move. What do you think about that kind of logic? Besides my social life is getting better all the time.
Two weeks ago George, Ed, Coll & I went to Greensboro & visited W.C.U.N.C. (Women’s College Univ. of North Carolina). We had a fine time. Met some sweet gals at the mock Junior Senior Ball Saturday night and spent all day Sunday with them strolling the campus & lounging around the dormitory. The girl I was with was a Colonel’s daughter. Nothing small about me. He’s in Ft. Lewis Washington however, so I guess I’m safe. This weekend we expect to take a long trip, 300 miles to Ashville which is in the heart of Blue Ridge mountains. A fellow here in the barracks has a 41 Ford & we are going in his car. It is supposed to be a very famous resort town & its beauty is widely renown. (boy – how do you like this scribbling?)
Mama, your last letter was very interesting – very newsy, if you know what I mean. Glad to hear Dot is okay. I really like that name Nancy Ann – don’t you?
Daddy, I hear you painted the house. Nice goin’ old timer but doggone I was wishin’ you’d save that little job for me I was going to tackle it on my next furlough. How’s your golf game. Sub-par I hope. Haven’t time to swing onto another page so I’m going to squeeze in a fast good bye.
Love, Dorance
Happy Mother’s Day!!