June 12, 1942
June 12, 1942
Dear Mom & Dad:
Well – I finally find myself staying in the barracks one night - & consequently here comes a letter your way.
Tonite is one of those very warm Carolina evenings when even breathing is an exertion. All I have to do to work up a sweat right now is concentrate real hard on this letter. So in order not to get too wet, I won’t think too much – I’ll just scribble.
This has been a pretty full & busy week for me – starting with last Sunday. We went swimming all day, from 12 noon to 6:30 P.M., at the Fay. Country Club. That was a lot of swimming &, if you could have seen my legs, back & belly that late afternoon, you would have seen evidence thereon of a lot of sun too. I really was scorched. You know me, Mama, I never can learn my lesson. I stopped by the dispensary on the way home & got myself a little can of tonic-aid salve. It helped a lot by taking the soreness out of the burn. My feet were burned on top too & it made it tough walking the next day. By now though, it has peeled a little & turned to a healthy tan.
Monday – I just stayed in the barracks & nursed my burn & read Readers Digest. Tuesday – We went in Fayetteville & took in a dance at the U.S.O. Club. The music was very good & gals were too (naturally – to a soldier). Wednesday – we went to see Gone With the Wind. It was shown here at both theaters – full length & natural color. It lasted 3 hrs. & 40 min. Have to laugh when I think of what I payed to see that show the first time I saw it at the Orpheum – remember I took “Murph”. Then it cost me $2.10 – now it cost me all of 14¢. Thursday – went swimming again at Fay. C.C. Six of us went in Vorce’s (fellow in the barracks) car. Tonight – I’ve decided to knock out about 3 letters.
This weekend 5 or 6 of us G.I.s are going to White Lake, a very beautiful & clear lake 45 miles southeast of here. We’re going in Wheeler’s car – a 5 passenger Mercury. We plan to rent a cabin & swim like mad all weekend, & probably burn up a little more.
Take it easy on that furlough business – I just had one. They don’t bother much about that 30 day-a-yr. deal. They go only by “when was your last one.” If it was less than 4 or 5 months ago, you don’t get much consideration.
Once again I ask – did you get the $30 in money orders that I sent home???????
I’m goin’ to cut it short here cuz I want to cover a lot of territory in my writing tonight. Feel like a million – hope you do to.
Lots of love, Dorance