June 15, 1942
June 15, 1942
Dear Mom & Dad:
It’s now 11:00 bells – time that any good soldier should be in bed. Just got back from swimming. Four of us took off tonight at about 6:00 in Vorce’s car for the Country Club. The water was fine but the air tonite was just a bit on the chilly side. I’ve been practicing my diving & am improving some. Why I can even touch my toes on the jackknife – how’s zat?
I just got your letter, accompanied by that very smiling picture of Dot & Nancy, last Saturday. That picture is a honey, thanks for sending it. The babe is certainly cute. Didn’t think it would be that cute judging by the one look I got at the hospital. Guess that preview was a little too soon.
I wrote a letter just the night before yours came & in it I asked very forcefully about my 2 money orders. Just overlook the question because you answered it very adequately in the letter that came the next day. Let me know what you hear from the insurance company.
Oh yes – the pay raise. As far as I know - & according to the reports it’s practically a reality but I guess there are still a few formalities to be considered before it jingles in our genes. I hope the Pres. Doesn’t run out of ink before he signs it.
I’ll take your advice about not being in too much of a rush to put in for O.C.S. In the meantime I’m going to study so that I’ll have a better chance to go thru the works. Everyone says it’s rough & I believe it, because they say one gets the equivalent of a year of college work in the 3 months out at Sill. I won’t lose much by staying here a while longer anyway because I’m still learning a lot in my work at hdqs.
Well – we certainly had ourselves a time this weekend. Six of us went to White Lake, a crystal clear & white sand bottom lake just 50 miles from camp. We stayed at Goldstons Beach, a little resort center something like Spring Park. We rented a big cottage for $8.00 – twas named, “Bobby.” As soon as we planted our feet in the cottage we changed into our bathing trunks & just stayed that way the whole time. Didn’t dress again ‘till it was time to go home. We really enjoyed ourselves – swimming & sun – soaking were the two main diversions. We expect to do a lot more of that sort of thing.
Well – this is as far as I go now, so with a hope that everything goes well, I say good night.
Love, Dorance