June 19, 1942


June 19, 1942

Dear Folks:

It’s one o’clock A.M. & I’m about as sleepy as I can be. You guessed it – I’m on C.Q. My buddy is sawing logs right now & I must wait another hour, till 2 o’clock before I awaken him to “take over” from then to 7 bells. In past C.Q.s I’ve had the second shift & I like that much better because you sleep first & are not so tired staying up from 2 to 7. However tonight I’m on duty with a rather unexperienced lad & thought it better to give him the least exciting shift.

Just today I got your letter with the photos of Elain & Virgy each taking their turn at holding little Nancy Ann. Sure are cute pictures – thanks. Virgy, by the way, just wrote a letter this way which I also got today. This was a great mail day for me – my mail has been very sparse for several weeks & today – three letters. The third was from Rolie.

Rolie didn’t have too much to say. He is still stationed on the U.S.S. Patoka which is docked at Norfolk, Virginia. When these ships were torpedoed the other day just off the Virg. shores – he said they heard the explosions – later he saw & helped some of the survivors. He says, if he was able to, he could tell me some facts about the episode that the papers didn’t cover. Wonder what he meant? Boy aren’t we all going to have some real yarns to spin after this war blows over?


Say, Daddy, I want you to know I’m aware that this Sunday is Father’s Day. Although I can’t, at the moment, remember you in a material way – I sure as heck will be thinkin’ of you & will be wishing you the best. By golly if I was home we’d have a golf game & maybe even a couple of bottles of Grain Belt on me. Anyway here’s wishing a swell Dad’s Day on a swell dad. When the end-o-the-month rolls around I’ll remember you.

I think that’s a great idea about all of you including Arlo, Dot & Mr. & Mrs. Jordan planning to spend a week together at some lake. I’m sure you’ll have just a picnic – I’m pa-lenty sorry I can’t be in on that.

Say that surely was a newsy letter I got from you today. You asked a few questions – I’ll try to answer them in a hurry before I dose off here – Yes my sunburn has turned to tan after peeling – yes I know Art was in Sill – I’m awaiting an answer to a letter – haven’t heard a thing from Sykes – send me his correct mailing address if you can get it – I’d like to write him. Too bad Charley got caught so quickly – hope he can hold off for awhile longer. – Well it’s time for me to wake my fellow C.Q. & get some shut eye so adios. Give my best to everyone you see.

Love, Dorance

Christian Olsen