July 4, 1942
July 4, 1942
Regt’l Hdqts.
Dear Mom:
It’s 4 A.M. & I’m half asleep – on C.Q. I only have 1 more hour of my shift left & this is the first letter I’ve written. I worked from 5 P.M. last night until midnight on my job here – I’m busier than ever these days. Am now the no 1 man in the Officers Section here. Sgt. Hebert was sent out on a secret shipment last Tuesday. He is bound for overseas duty in the near future. The section is now functioning a lot better with Hebert out of there – he was a draw back because he was definitely on the lazy side. A Pvt. Biven is now working with me who can really put out. He used to work for Penn Material Ins. Co. & consequently knows how to work with some system. We figure to whip things into shape in a couple of weeks, so well, that we’ll have time to write an occasional letter now & then during working hours.
George & I are going to take off somewhere today but I don’t know where. It’ll probably be either White Lake or the beach. This summer for some reason or other I seem to find an awful lot of pleasure in swimming. If I don’t get to spend all day Sunday in my trunks I feel I’ve missed something. I guess it’s the exercise I crave.
I was payed last Monday on the new pay scale for the first time. Did all right – after deductions for laundry, dry cleaning & insurance were taken out I still drew $60. That’s almost as much as my civilian salary so things are looking up.
Today I took out a Class A Pay Reservation (bond) for which I pay $6.25 monthly & receive a $25 bond every 3 months. This seems to be the paragraph for money matter so I’ll mention here that I [am] enclosing a money order for $20. Please slip it in the bank for me I’ll use it when this thing is over – I hope.
I got a letter from Sykes last week – it was dated May 27th so it must have taken a month to pass thru all the Naval censors. All he wrote about was old times – nothing about where he was or where he had been. He didn’t even say a thing about his duties. Just said he hoped it would end soon so we Kins could get together for a good old bull session – he has lots to tell. I don’t doubt that a bit.
Had a letter from Dot too – she certainly is a happy mother isn’t she. Guess I’ll have to get married – sounds like a lot of fun.
That’s all for right now – I write again soon. Hope you’re both well. Good night Good morning.
Love, Dorance