July 12, 1942


Sunday July 12, 1942

Dear Folks:

Hello! Did you have a nice vacation & catch a lot of fish? You were going to send a card from the lake but as yet I haven’t received it, so naturally I’m anxious to hear all about the good time you must have had. I spose fishing was the order of the day as usual, & cards the order of the night. I just wonder if you had a nice spell of weather or if you sweltered as on most previous vacations. I’ll bet the John Swanson’s showed y’all a pretty fair time up thar. It’s fun to go to a different spot anyway isn’t it.

I’m on C.Q. over this weekend at Hdqts. – that’s the only reason I’m writing this letter on Sunday. It’s against my policy to do anything but take-off on weekends if I’m free. So far this has really been a long weekend – it’s 11 P.M. now & I’ve been on duty since noon yesterday. Today the other fellows in the barracks went swimming at White Lake & believe me it about broke my heart not to be able to go too.


Last Saturday George & myself went to Lumberton – they had a U.S.O. dance there that night. At the dance I met a girl – a very neat little number dressed in white & a fine dancer. I danced with her a few times then she took me over to meet her mother who was one of the hostesses. I took advantage of my opportunities & asked for a date the next day, Sunday. She consented & said she’d get her sister for George. The next day we went over to the house about 1 P.M. & met the sister. I know it doesn’t right but her sister was another A-1. In fact we found out later, in conversation with her mother, that Nell (George’s) had been “Miss Lumberton” last year & Margaret (mine) had coveted the same title two yrs. ago. So you see we don’t fool around when we pick ‘em. We went swimming with them all day & took them to supper later in the day. Had fun razzing them about their accents – they in turn took turns in throwing digs at us Yankees. We made another date with them for this weekend & according to letters sent & received in the interim it looks as if we’ll do some swimming again. They are both swell kids & lots of fun - & Lumberton incidentally is only 35 short miles away. Guess we’ll have to take advantage of their southern hospitality.

Wow, before I exhaust my space I want to thank you for the de-lish-us cookies you sent last week. They went almost before I got the can open, & every one said they were great. Now I’ve said enuff – I’ll let you do a little talking. Write soon. How Bout that note that Daddy promised?

Love, Dorance

Christian Olsen