July 20, 1942 (Oscar Alquist)


July 20th, 42

Hello Sonny Boy –

This is the hardest job in the world for me – to write a letter. This [is] the first one in twenty five years.

Our vac. is over and we are back to the same old grind. On our way back, from what I think [is] the best lake & lodge we were ever at, we stopped at Round Lake and had a nice visit [with] Arlo, Dorothy, Baby (and she is a honey) Arlo’s Dad and his Wife. They were staying at a cottage between Round and Long lakes.

Elmer & I had wonderfull fishing all week but Arlo & his Dad had very poor fishing – but they did not care as they played golf all week at the Pine Lodge Golf Club. And on their way back on Monday they stopped at our place and Arlo, his Dad and I played the Uni club on Mon P.M. My game is so rotten I have a hard time breaking 85 at any club.

Mr Jordan is coming up this coming thurs. to play in our Senior Tour which is held at the Golden Valley Club. We are looking forward to a great time.


I met Sykes dad the other day for the first time. He had half a bun on and when he found out I was your dad he threw his arms around me like a long lost brother. He is some guy and I like him.

Not much news to write about same old crap in the papers every day. I payed your Ins., Life & Kodak, which amount was $28.50 and I put your $20 in your bank.

How about those Sergt. stripes now that you are at the head? Well Dorance I’m puttered out so keep the old Head & Chin up and everything will be O.K.

So Long


Arlo Jordan, Elmer Johnson, Oscar Alquist, Mr. Wicklund

Arlo Jordan, Elmer Johnson, Oscar Alquist, Mr. Wicklund

Christian Olsen