August 10, 1942
Aug. 10, 1942
Dear Mom & Dad:
My my your letters surely are prompt lately so in order to insure the continuance of this sit-shee-aye-shun I will also answer promptly. You said it was two weeks between a couple of my letters – that’s possible but I didn’t realize I was that slow maybe the mail was a little negligent too.
Yes – I received your letter, Daddy. That was pretty nice – I’d like to get one like that every once in a while. By the way I played golf last Saturday at the Fayetteville Country Club with a couple of my buddies Wheeler (Hdqs. Btry. Clerk) & Biven (the fellow who works with me in Off. Sect.) The C.C. is only a 9 hole course & a bit country-ish but they do have grass greens & a couple of water holes. It was good to get out & swing the links again anyway. We got clubs here in camp at the Moral Office, but had to buy balls at the club. They’re getting two-bits for used balls now, so it’s a costly game for a man with a hook or a slice. On about the 8th hole Biven & Wheeler ran out of balls & had to walk in. On the 9th, Alquist, who had the last ball amongst the threesome, plopped his in the lake. – We all walked in. However the ball situation has improved some since Saturday because yesterday we went out to the C.C. to swim & accidently wandered out on the course. We did some wading, by pure accident of course, in the water holes & came out with 8 balls. Now we’re all set to try out the Post golf course – I think it’ll be in better condition – it’s an 18 holer too.
For the last week the weather has been considerably cooler. More like our Minn. weather – it’s quite a relief after all the sweating we’ve done lately. How is the weather up yonder? Gee, when I start mentioning the weather, I certainly haven’t much news to spill. Guess I’ll look at your last letter – see if I can get any ideas.
No – I’ve never heard of Col. Lindvall. Guess no further comment is necessary on that subject.
Wasn’t that nice of the Wrightsville U.S.O. club to drop you a card like that? I must pay them another visit & thank them for the consideration. I didn’t sign your name to the register there, that’s probably why it came thru “Mrs. D. Alquist.” Maybe they think I’m married. Eh Gads! I’d better go back some weekend soon & straighten them out.
So Art & Bob were home – lucky them. My time will come soon I hope.
Well – keep ‘em coming & I’ll do the same. Let me know how the Baptism came out. Hope you’re swell. G’bye.
Love, Dorance