August 16, 1942 (Edna Alquist)


Aug – 16 – 1942

Dear Dorance:

Well how are you any how? Fine, I hope. Have been intending to write for the last three days, but here it is 10:30, and just getting started. Esther & Elmer were over tonight, oh and grandma and Elaine too. They came over from being at a picnic all day, in fact it was a birthday picnic celebration for Esther & Mr. Schaller (remember him – their next door neighbor) We were invited over there last night for a birthday party, but I got sick just as we were ready to go, sick to my stomach, so had to stay home, so that’s how they happened in to-night, to see how I was. Better, but still weak. Virginia stopped in too and had a friend with her by the name of Erlys. You know her too, from Title Ins. She inquired about you, said to say “Hello.” Said she wrote to you but never received an answer. She said nobody at the Title have heard from you for a long time. She said a fellow by the name of McPortland was being sent to Snelling to-morrow. She mentioned some other names I had never heard of and don’t remember.

Daddy met Ernie Larson down town yesterday and they exchanged addresses, so that if either one of you were ever in the other’s vicinity, you could stop and visit, so here it is and I would suggest you jot it down in some little book or paper that you carry with you.

                Roger Larson

                Y.M.C.A. Room 428A

                11th & Washington St.

                Wilmington – Delaware

We had a nice time in Austin last week, got Nancy baptized O.K. She cried a little bit when they first came into the church, but looked at the Minister all the time he talked. She was very interested, then, Dot & Arlo left the church as soon as it was over, it being the first thing on the program.

Got your money order and it is in bank, waiting for your furlough. Sure will be glad to see you again.

The weather has been grand all summer, only about three real hot days, and it has cooled off at night.

The Smiths had another big “shindig” last Wednesday eve, it being their 25th Wedding Anniversary. We were invited over there, went and had a nice time. They had about 40 people there. Now they have bought a nice lake home at Minnetonka – Gray’s Bay. Haven’t seen it yet but expect to go out there soon. They are going to be Grandpa & Grandma in Oct. or Nov. too - Arlo & Veronica.

Well, the Bill & Mercedes Holms have a baby boy after having supposed to have been married since Feb. 28, but now it comes out they have been married since June 1939 – 3 years, right after Mercedes got out of college. Guess the Holms don’t feel so good about the deception, they don’t like to talk about it. Bill doesn’t know what’s going to happen to him when they find it out in the Air Corps because he was sposed to be single.

I’m sure dishing out the dirt to-night, eh? But news is scarce and that’s news, isn’t it?

Well now it’s 11:15 Guess I’ll go to bed so, until I write again, be good. Most everybody we talk to, say “Hello” to you.

With lots of love


Christian Olsen