August 24, 1942
August 24, 1942
Dear Mom & Dad:
Hello – s’pose you wondered what happened to me…….. Well, among other things I just hit one of those not-in-the-mood-for-writing streaks. Hope I’m back in the groove again cuz I owe about 8 letters & must get to work on ‘em.
I’m feeling pretty fine after my little “vacation” down at Myrtle Beach. We certainly did take a lot of sunshine while we were down there. By the way – did you get my postcard? In case you didn’t I’d better tell you that Bill Reschlin & I took a 3 day pass down there. We left camp on Sat. noon & didn’t return until Wed. at midnight – 4 ½ days in all. The time certainly flew down there – I guess that’s a sure sign that we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves isn’t it? We stayed at the Ocean Plaza Hotel – right on the beach. Cost us 12 dollars for the 4 days including 3 delicious meals a day. Boy & did we eat – in fact it seemed as if we spent half our time in the dining room. The food was very wholesome & served in the best of style – shrimp salads, chicken, steaks, all kinds of vegetables, rolls, & pie, ice cream, jello, etc. T’was a treat to eat really well prepared & well – served food again. Our last nite there was spent dancing at the Ocean Forest Hotel – ahem – one of the swankiest spots along the Atlantic coastline. We met a fellow by the name of Abe, the head of Charlotte branch of International Transportation. He payed a pretty penny too because a bucket of ice & 6 glasses came to 85¢. The gal I was with, Mary, was one of Donald Nelson’s secretaries (War Production Board – Wash.) She was very interesting company & had a lot of interesting yarns to spin. The whole 4 ½ days only cost me $20 – we hitch-hiked both ways to keep expenses down. Don’t look for a money order tho this month cuz I bought a golden tan for that money down on Myrtle Beach.
Wheeler, Biven & I played golf on the Post course. It was a lot of fun even tho we didn’t play the best brand of golf. It’s kind of hard to use a strange & unmatched bunch of clubs. However I still managed to keep down in the 2 digit figures – 98. The course is average length but tricky & hilly. Quite a few blind holes, dog legs, & two water holes. Only costs 75¢ a month to play so we’re going to run over after work till Wheeler’s gas runs out.
Next month, when the new gas quota goes into effect, Wheeler’s going to take Biven & myself home with him down in So. Carolina. He lives just about 200 miles from here – the folks own about 4 farms & I gather are quite well to do. This is of course strictly just a proposed trip – its too far in the future & dependent on too many small details for much definite planning. Maybe we’ll all be shipped out before that time ever comes.
There are a lot of rumors flying around about us special service men being shipped out. Some rumors give us a month & some 6 months. The fact is true that we’re going to be shipped & soon, because I’ve seen the order but no one knows how soon. We are all going to be replaced by Limited Service men. This I do know, however, & it’s a break in a way, we will go out “in grade” & will go out to fill the type of job we are now in. As far as I’m concerned I’d like to stay here now that I’m so well settled & know my way around, but on the other hand, I don’t think I’d mind a change. I’m getting a little tires of Bragg & wouldn’t mind seeing a little of the world before this “thing” is over. When I read about our boys in all corners of the world I feel as if I’m missing out on the main feature. At any rate I’m not worried & after reading this I hope you’re not – I’ll just ride in the arms of fate & see what happens.
The furlough which I believed was in the bag for September, now looks hopeless for the present. You see the B.C. started a new plan on furloughs – a roster was made up listing all the men in Hdqs. Btry. According to number of days accrued furlough they have. Well, some of these regular – army men who have a lot of service in, are the ones who head the list – top man has 84 days accrued. I’m down about 30th, eh gads!!! I’m a hurtin!! Oh well maybe something will happen (B.C. might have a change of heart, die, or get shipped) anyway I’ll just take another ride in the arms of fate with my measly 15 ½ accrued days. T’would be nice to get home once more before I get the nod.
By the way that certainly was a newsy letter you wrote last, Mamma. Where do you get all that dirt? I was very surprised to hear about the Holms situation, & also about Arlo & the so-very-recent-bride having a baby in October. Am I jumping at false conclusions or does that date fall short of the period of time that “doctor books” say should lapse between the “vows” & the “event.”?
I also received Jenilles little note & will answer it tonight if possible.
Bob Coll is in Indiantown Gap, Penna. He just missed going across by about 4 hours. His real outfit took off for overseas duty so he was assigned to another unit up there.
Well, I just can’t see me starting another page so I close. I’m out of news anyway. So G’nite.
Love, Dorance