August 27, 1942


7:00 PM

August 27, 1942

Dear Mom & Dad:

Haven’t much to say tonight but I got your letter today & I guess you’d appreciate a prompt answer. I’m on C.Q. tonight & I intend to knock out at least 4 or 5 letters during my 5 hour shift. I’m on duty from 2 to 6 in the morning so I ‘spect things will be nice & quiet. I’ve got Reschlins radio here & at that time there is usually some great programs of recorded music. The time goes much faster when listening to some good swing.

Just got my Reader’s Digest yesterday so I intend to read some in it during the night. I usually go right thru it every month from cover to cover. There’s about 5 or 6 fellows in the barracks who subscribe to it – certainly is a popular book here in camp. Hey! This sounds like an advertisement doesn’t it?


Last night Wheeler, Reschlin, Biven, & I buzzed into town for dinner. We had a big spaghetti dinner at a famous place in Fayetteville. We really did things up in style having a glass of southern wine with the meal even. We ate so much we all got very sleepy & made a bee-line back to camp. Don’t know if it was the wine or the spaghetti – but the bunk certainly felt nice.


Did I tell you I saw the movie – Miss Minerva? Boy – what a show! The best I’ve seen for a long long time. I wept big tears from both joy & sorrow during the two hours. Suggest you don’t miss it – real entertainment.

Guess I neglected to mention that the 3 day pass I just had does not count on my furlough time. They are just extra & no record is kept of them. However, as I mentioned in the last letter, it’ll probably be a little while before I will be able to get a furlough because of that new roster they’re making up.

Dwight certainly got a nice break – didn’t he? That’s great he deserved it & no doubt worked hard for it. More power to him. He certainly gets home a lot – I’ll bet Elaine just hates that.

Say would it be possible to ship me about a half dozen apples when they get ripe? I’m just dying for one of our own brand, and I’d like to let some of these “rebels” here taste some real apples. They think everything grows right here in the South & I’d just like to show them.

Well I’m now void of news & thoughts so I’ll say g’bye. Say hello to everyone. Hope you’re both fine.

Love, Dorance

Christian Olsen