September 19, 1942 (Marion Sneen)
September 19, 1942
Dear Dippy –
Gee! Lots of things have happened since last time. Yes I got your card, Dip, Thanx. It reminded me of Catalina because the beach was so big and vacant looking, or wasn’t it. Bet you kids had loads of fun. Certainly hope you did anyway.
Well, Dip, today is Dorothy Stensrud’s wedding day. (Come on, get up and read the rest of this letter.) I’ve been tearing my hair out; racing around night and day trying to get her all set and ready to go. Had a shower on her and Tootie Harlan also had one.
Dot’s marrying the pilot in Calif. (Sacramento) He’s a first lieuy [lieutenant] Very nice fellow. I’m sure they’ll be happy. She left last Tuesday, all alone, and they were to be married today.
Well to radically change the subject, how’s your tan coming along? With such a wonderful opportunity to play golf you should be out in the blazing sun every day (or every week).
Say, Dippy, do you ever go to any U.S.O. doings? I’ve been asked, by Park Board, to join. The chaperone said we would be hostesses at parties playing bridge, ping pong and bowling. Oh yes, and dancing. We must have a letter of recommendation from someone and have to have our pictures taken so our passes can’t be passed on to anyone else. Soo – if I can find time, maybe I’ll give it a try. What do you think about it, honestly.
Am still going to school and it keeps me quite busy.
Hope to hear soon
Sincerely, Marion
Last Minute Flash
P.S. Vi & Lloyd are married & Dick Ramstack is in Army Air Corp. Texas.