September 25, 1942 (Chester Biven)


Friday, Sept. 25, 1942

1:20 P. M.

Dear Dorance:-

You will see from this that we have a new ribbon for our typewriter!

This is just a line between pay vouchers to tell you that Lt. Harris approved of my furlough this morning and it will be for ten days starting October 6th. I changed my mind on the 13th of October because Granfield is going the 6th and we can ride to Pittsburgh to-gether. Naturally at the moment I’m in a very happy frame of mind!

Your card, mailed from Pittsburgh, came this noon. Thanks very much.

Nothing has happened since you left but I have been moderately busy. Both Tuesday and Thursday I went from nine until five without break but I wasn’t rushed nevertheless.

Enclosed print is very good I think – thought you might like to show it to your ma & pa.


I hope you are having a mighty swell time. We miss you, especially for the afternoon beer. Horror of horrors, the PX was closed yesterday but we are swetting it out this P.M.

See you later.


Ches B.

Christian Olsen