September 3, 1942
Sept. 3, 1942
Dear Mom & Dad:
Well, 10 P.M. & another day in the army behind me. I’m sitting here in our dayroom – most of the other fellows have cleared out & hit the hay. Somehow I seem pretty wide awake, so I think I can keep awake long enough to dash off a few words.
How’s everything at home – evidently all right judging by your letters that have been coming so steadily, for some unknown reason. I’m all caught up with my answers now, & just going to sit back & wait for the return letters. S’pose they’ll all come in a bunch as usual & I’ll be in the hole again. Oh well, as long as I keep hearing from home that’s the important thing. In all due respects I must say that Elaine is a very faithful writer.
I just got a letter from Lee today – he’s in the Ordnance Officer’s Tng. School at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. I was very surprised to hear that he was in O.C.S. because it was the first letter I’d had from him since back around Christmas. He says my letters probably are in Ireland – that’s where his old outfit is. He is graduating next Saturday – a brand new shave-tail & is coming home for about 8 or 9 days. Said he’d drop in to see you – so listen – I’ll give you a tip. Don’t forget to jump to your feet & call “Attention!” when he comes in the house. That’s regulations you know. And Daddy – give him one o’ those snappy Sgt. salutes of yours.
Wheeler, Biven, & I played the Post golf course last Saturday & Sunday. We played only 9 holes each day – took a fancy 45 for both rounds. I’m right in the groove especially with my drives & putts.
Last night some o’ the boys corralled me into a game of bridge. We had about a 4 hour session. Very interesting game but very bewildering to a beginner. These guys are real sharks at the art, but maybe with a little experience I’ll be able to hold my own & won’t be so “vulnerable.”
In answer to you inquiry about the whereabouts of Rolie, I haven’t heard from him since he shoved off from Norfolk, Va. No news from Sykes either. Hope they’re both safe & sound.
No news on the “replacement” situation here either but I’ll keep you posted.
Right now I’d better hit the hay & catch up on my beauty sleep – don’t ask me why. Can’t use much beauty around here. Well anyway goodnight – I’ll be a waitin’ for a letter.
Love, Dorance