April 13, 1944
S.W. Pacific
Thurs. April 13, 1944
Dear Mom & Dad: -
I’m very much afraid it’s been too long since I last wrote home. Although I did drop Daddy a note at the office. I really haven’t had the time to write through this last week. We’re going all day long & sometimes all evening. Last night I fully intended to write but was busy ‘till 10 P.M. figuring survey data for a future problem. I’m R.O. now so all that work falls in my lap – but I like it.
Last Sat. & Sun. I went down to visit Lee & Roge. Roge invited us out to his club again to spend the evening. The next day was Easter – we had dinner at Loper’s Hdqs. Off. Mess & was it a feed!! It was the best I’ve had for ages – a complete turkey dinner complete with cranberries & pumpkin pie. Believe it or not it started with a fruit cocktail! That’ll give you a rough idea of the kind of life those two lads are living over here. I don’t know what we fed the Btry. that day but my guess is Spam.
Tonight I got busy & cleaned out my footlocker. I had a flock of ants just a-fixin’ to build a little city in there. Now that I have removed their inspiration, a package of Walnettoes, I hope I have discouraged them enough so they pick another site for their construction work.
Next weekend I’m going to try to see Lee & Roge again but I don’t know if I can or not. We have a Division parade on Sunday that I have to take part in. I have to travel about 60 miles to see them & then turn around & come back that same night in order to parade.
Gosh you certainly are traveling a lot these days! You’re going to wear the highway thin between Mpls. & Austin. It must be fun for you tho to get a change of scenery now & then.
You certainly did miss connections with Virginia & husband. There’s another little girl that’s doing more traveling now than she’s ever done before in her life. Wonder how she’ll like Louisiana & it’s swamps.
Has Elaine fully recovered from her broken heart yet? She didn’t mention anything about it in her last letter, which leads me to believe she’s back to normal again.
My goodness – don’t tell me you’ve never heard of or seen a Fairchild! It’s just an overgrown Piper Cub, & don’t tell me that one is new to you. It’s not a bomber or fighter but a liaison plane purely for observation.
I heard from Rolie today & he mentioned you sending him the miniature Star-Journal – he really appreciated it.
Dorothy says I should be insulted when you say Larry looks like me, because “he really isn’t very cute.” Had to laugh at Dot when she said “He isn’t very cute, but no doubt he’ll turn out alright.” Yes I was quite surprised to hear that she is no longer afraid to stay home alone.
I’m all out of that small size so had to change to this.
No the beer ration is not free – we pay $2.40 a case of 24 bottles. The men get the same beer ration as the officers, 1 case per month.
Yes we have to pay for our meals over here at the rate of $21.00 per month. That subsistence is taken out automatically each month so we don’t ever see the money.
No I don’t know what the future holds for us. Of course we all have our ideas, but censorship forbids us to predict, guess, or even talk about any future plans or moves. So that’s that.
Did you read the article in the March Digest called “This is Jungle Fighting.”? It’s all about our Division & the job it did up at New Georgia.
Glad to hear you are getting some snow up there at last. I suppose you’re all starting to sweat-out the robins & the green grass now.
Must get some sleep now – hike in the morning. Feel great! So long for now.
Love, Dorance