April 2, 1944
S.W. Pacific
April 2, 1944
Dear Folks: -
It’s Sunday night & the end of one of those long & tedious weeks of training. Tomorrow at 5:30 A.M. we start all over again for another week. I slept all afternoon today so I feel quite wide awake right now. I would have gone to see Lee & Loper again this Saturday but I was tired out & also had some things to do around camp.
A bunch of us went to see a U.S.O. show tonight at a nearby camp. It was a pretty good show – a good band, some comedians, & last but certainly not least, a couple of lovely little blonds. They both sang & danced & exposed their shapely legs just enough to make the boys yell & jump around. Can’t quite decide whether such things are good or bad for the morale. It certainly makes one “hurt” to be back there.
The mail situation is on the blink again. Only letter I’ve had for a week was from Lillian in (you know where).
Took a ride down to our division finance office today & got paid for the first time in two months. I’m really flush right now so before I lose it, I’m going to get a money order tomorrow & send $150 of it home. That ought to help swell the account considerably. I’ll hold up this letter & include the money orders. Let me know when you receive them.
We have a new 2nd Lt. in our Btry. now. His name is Blinebury from Texas – he just joined us last week. So I’m now moved up a notch to the position of R.O. (reconnaissance officer) & he gets the Motor off. Job. The R.O. is in charge of communications, liaison, & survey. I’ve got a lot of work & study ahead of me to learn the new job.
Well I don’t have any letter from you to answer this time, so I’m just out of conversation. Hope you’re both O.K. Hello to everyone back there & Happy Easter.
Love, Dorance