April 25, 1944
April 25, 1944
S.W. Pacific
Dear Mom & Dad: -
Recall just blew & another rough & tumble training day is over. I have about an hour before I have to wash up for retreat so I’ll dash off a letter.
I have intended to write the last three nights but something always comes up. Last night it was a movie – “Thank Your Lucky Stars” – it was about the best movie we’ve had since we’ve been here. The night before it was a Court Martial. I told you didn’t I, that I’m a member of the court & have to sit-in on all the trials that are scheduled? At first we held court during the day, but that was soon stopped & now we hold them on our own time – after drill hours. Ya can’t win!
Last weekend I saw Lee & Loper again & had a date with an American nurse from Illinois named Swanson. Loper had a date too but not Lee, of course, he’s still true to little Micky. We took the gals to dinner & afterwards to an Officers Club dance. It was a perfect dance – a good Navy band & lots of room to dance. Had to leave for camp early Sunday morning because our 25th Division had a big parade for some high ranking Army, Navy & New Zealand officers.
Last April 3rd or 4th I sent home a M.O. for about $150 – let me know if you get it, & also how my bank account now stands. I ought to be well over that “thousand” mark now considering bonds & all.
I’ve had a couple of those “Minn. News” papers from Daddy last week & enjoy them a lot.
I got your letter of the 3rd today – isn’t that rotten service? Was interested to hear all about Arlo’s job offer in N.Y. A hundred bucks a week is certainly a tidy salary for one man – I’d like to see him grab onto it. It would mean they’d both have to move a long way from home but shucks look how far away I am & I’m still getting along as usual. I’ve never really felt the pangs of homesickness since the first night at Ft. Bragg after a tough day of basic training. Of course if Hormel decides to up his wage that’s a good deal too.
Those sheets that Micky told you Lee gave me were actually “to the wind” at the time but when the wind died down I used them on my bunk. Gosh, I must write Micky & thank her for keeping you so well informed all the time.
Yes – I got that “chain-relative” letter of March 6 – didn’t I mention getting it? Don’t see how I forgot to mention it because I enjoyed it a lot.
Glad to hear that the roses arrived O.K. I was worried cuz I ordered them quite a while ago while we were still in N.Z.
I’m sending you 5 shots of me & the negatives – they were taken a couple weeks ago & Loper had them printed for me. I think they turned out pretty fair. We can’t get any films here so if you ever get your hands on some Panatomic-X or any other films 120 size – you know what to do! I hope all those pics get thru the censor but there’s a chance they won’t. Don’t be too surprised if all 5 aren’t here. If they’re turned back I’ll let you know next letter.
So long for now.
Love, Dorance