April 27, 1944 (to Marion Sneen)
S.W. Pacific
April 27, 1944
Dear Marion –
Listening to sweet music, smoking a cigar, & feeling very much “mellow”. It’s Thurs. night & Bing is on – he still has the power of turning me “inside out” when he sings. Right now he is giving out with “Paper Doll” – a very nice number but probably old to you “city folks”. They tell me there are lots of “fickle minded real live gals” back there now – is it true?
The cigar I mentioned up there is an occasion rather than a habit. One of our officers just attained his majority & passed out the stogees as per custom. I still don’t smoke except over a mixed drink – seems if I always weaken about that time.
Doggone – Marion – I sure wish you were here right now! We could really dip & twirl to this band that’s playing. No – I’ll take that back – I wish I were there instead cuz there’s no place to dance here. Of course I guess we could always cuddle up in some corner & just listen to the music. Or would you care to “stroll” this one out?
I saw Lee again last weekend & hope to see him next Sat. night. I’m Officer of the Day on Sat. tho so don’t know if I can make it or not. We plan to see some prize fights on Sat. nite & then play some tennis Sun. morning. I haven’t played since N.Z., so I’m anxious to have a set or two. The only sport we can play out here in the wilderness is volley-ball.
Lee & I certainly enjoy getting together on the weekends – we get so much fun out of re-hashing the days gone by. Guess we’ve covered everything from Easter parades thru “Alcohol Valley” to New Years parties in the “Spanish Room”. That guy is as much, if not more, in love with Micky now as he ever was – she’s the subject of 9/10ths of his conversation. Those two are certainly a “right” pair.
Your April 7th letter came a couple of days ago & I would have answered it more promptly, but we’ve been having some night problems & they sorta kill our letter writing time.
So you got my pictures – well here’s a couple more that were taken just outside & (inside) my little shack. Could use some more of you – have any more? (misleading sentence)
No – haven’t heard “Holiday for Strings” – too new I guess. We jokers out here are just now starting to hum such tunes as “My Heart Tells Me”, “Shoo-shoo Baby” & “Paper Doll”. We out here on the “back side” of the world are strictly not “hip”!
This Lagoona spot sounds very inviting maybe I can manage a stop there on the way home. Gosh that phrase sounds good – if only something would explode & get this thing over with. I’ve got so darn much living to do I’m not going to know where to start!
When you say you don’t give out kisses except when you’ve had a few, are you by any chance referring to the New Years party at the Radisson? I was helping you walk it off around the halls – remember? Anyway I’m glad to hear your saving some – when I get back we’ll go out & have a few drinks together – O.K.?
I’ve just got room enough to say g’nite Marion. I’ll be waiting for your next letter.
Love, Dip