May 3, 1944


S.W. Pacific

May 3, 1944

Dear Mom & Dad:

It’s late – after taps – so I’m going to make this a short one. Nothing of any consequence has happened lately anyway, so I really don’t have very much to jabber about.

How are you both these days? I’ll bet you’re starting to get that ol’ inevitable spring-house-cleaning-feeling. I can see you now tugging away trying to roll up the frontroom rug, so Daddy can take it out in the back yard & pound the winter dust out of it. The next job is putting that convertible bed of mine out on the front porch. Bet Daddy didn’t sleep out there ‘till Nov. 1st last year like I did once. Anyway I sure wish I was home to help out with all those various & sundry odd jobs that come with spring.

I just got back 3 of the 5 pictures I sent you – from the base censor here. All photos have to clear thru him. I think I mentioned in my letter that they might be turned back. You see they contained a certain type of tree in the background that is peculiar only to this island. I’m sure the Japs would be on their way toward victory if they ever got ahold of them. Guess I’ll have to show them to you after the war.

Today I had a V-mail from Coll – he said nothing of what he’s doing. It was strictly just a chatty letter. He did say that Ardelle is in Chicago working & still writes him regularly.

Now that the sun is gradually sliding up your way, the nights down here are getting quite cool. Have to add an extra blanket. The days are still plenty warm though.

Well so much for this time – I’ll say good night now. Thinking of you.

Love, Dorance

Christian Olsen