May 8, 1944
S.W. Pacific
May 8, 1944
Dear Mom & Dad:
Just got back from seeing a good movie & thought I’d better drop you a few words to let you know I’m still O.K. I am.
As I anticipated – a couple of those pictures I tried to send home to you were turned back because of a certain tell-tale tree in the background. I might try to send them to you thru Lee, but if not I’ll keep ‘em & you’ll see them some day.
I spose you’re wondering about my new address. Yes – I’m now in HQ Btry “again” – just like back at Bragg. My new job is Asst. Communications Officer of the Bn. I’ve got a lot of hard work & studying to do in connection with it cuz I know nothing about Comm. I’m now second in command of HQ Btry too so that’s quite a job in it’s self. No rest for the wicked.
I haven’t been down to see Lee or Roge for the last two weekends – been too busy during the week to do anything but rest on Sunday.
Yesterday was a dreary Sunday – It rained all day. I slept in the morning till 10:30 then went to church. We had communion – a very nice service. The services are held every Sunday at the regular 11 o’clock church hour in a big Red Cross tent by our Division chaplain. He even brings along a portable organ to lead the hymns.
In case you wonder – altho I’m transferred out of C Btry. I’m still only a couple hundred yards down the road. So I’ll still be seeing Healy regularly.
Glad to see that my finances are coming along. This month I plan to increase my regular bond allotment from $18.75 to $37.50. I’m such a convincing Bond salesman that I talked myself into it.
So Dot & Arlo are actually on their way to New York. I’ll bet it’ll seem like a big unfriendly city to them at first. They’ll both be a little homesick I’ll bet. Dorothy wrote me & she seems all excited about going. She said that Arlo will probably do some traveling on the job & that it might pan out that she can get home during that time. Hope it works out that way don’t you?
I had letters from Jones & Coll this week. They’re both fine & working very hard. Art is sweating out a Staff Sgt’s stripes. He dates a W.A.C. [Women’s Army Corps] (of all things) on his days off.
Now I’m just out of news & very tired so I’ll say good night. Hope you are both swell.
All my love, Dorance