August 18, 1944


So. Pacific


Dear Folks –

Everything’s quiet in my little Hotel De La Tent tonight, cuz my roommate is off on a pass for a few days. A good opportunity to catch up on my writing.

Nothing new has happened recently so I’m going to have to stick to answering your letter.

If it’s of any interest we do have a couple of pictures coming soon that are worth mentioning. They are Song of Bernadett and Madam Curie. Have you seen either?

Today I got the 6 rolls of film from Arlo that you said were on the way. Now I can get my camera out and do some shooting again.

Had a letter from Bob Coll written in France. I surely was surprised to hear that he was over there. He says, “everything is well in hand & poppin’.” I can well believe that latter statement, & hope the first continues to be true. He’s still just as fond of Ardele & writes to her regularly.

Haven’t seen Roge or Lee for a couple of weeks, but anticipate a trip down to visit them soon.

So Elaine is going to visit Dot & Arlo – I hope she writes me all about it. She used to write quite regularly, but now I haven’t heard from her for quite a spell. Does she go out on any dates these days? Has she completely forgotten about her unfortunate love affair?

I’m glad to hear that Sykes stopped over to see you. Did you get to see his wife? And if so what did you think of her?

I hear you’re really having a heat wave up that way. It seems strange that you should be way up there sweltering when it is so nice and cool down here in the tropics. People in the states certainly have a wrong conception of the weather down here. I will admit it does get pretty hot here in the summer but no more so than it does in Minn. in August.


It was certainly nice of Miss Mather to send her greetings to me. If you see her again or phone her just send mine right back – I wish I could have been there to greet her.

About the milk situation – sure they’ve got cows here but not nearly enough to quench a division full of thirsty GI’s. Anyhow most of the cattle is beef.

Yes, the war news certainly sounds good – I’m sure it’s only a matter of time now. But it’s those precious minutes that hurt so much.

Greet everyone – and good night now. I’m fine.

Love, Dorance

Christian Olsen