August 16, 1944 (to Marion Sneen)


Aug. 16, 1944

Same spot

Hi There!

Gosh, I sure came close to date’n this one back about 5 days to make me look a little better. But I didn’t see where I’d gain anything by deception – I never have before, or expect to in the near future. Anyway I think you’d want me to “be honest with you.” So the sad story, glancing at the records, is that I haven’t written you for all of twelve long 24 hr. days. No excuse.

All right, Marion, get that scowl off your face – it doesn’t become you at all. OK then – guess I’ll have to tell you a joke to lure you back to your good disposition again. It’s about the young couple that were strolling thru the park one beautiful summer eve: Said he, “Some night!” Said she, “Some night.” He: “Some moon!” She: “Some moon.” He: “Some grass!” She “Some grass.” He, “Some dew!” She, “I don’t!!” – and then there was the enraged wasp that said, “You’d sting too, if you were a bee and somebody stole your honey & nectar!” Yeah, he’s probably right, I’d be pretty burned-up. In fact, I’d probably move my little hive “way out on the outskirts o’ town,” where I wouldn’t have any o’ those jokers hangin’ roun’.

Gee, this surely is a crazy letter so far, about time I start making a little sense.

Bob Hope & Francis L. were here last week – Sun. nite to be exact. They put on only one show for the entire Division – did we have a crowd. Somehow I got a perfect seat only about 10 yds. From the stage. Hope & Co. looked pretty tired out. They’ve been island-hopping for 5 weeks and have 3 weeks left before they return. Regardless of how tired they looked though, they really put on a peppy show – Hope was his natural clowning self. Francis had a slight cold but her singing was still a rare treat. Jerry C. was there too popping his eyes out all over the place.

I was certainly surprised tonight to hear over the radio that the plane Hope & the rest were traveling in was forced down near Sydney, Australia. That was a close call. Wonder if it will cut there trip short?

Now Marion – don’t be insulted when I tell you this, but I thought I’d better straighten you out on a little detail. It’s spelled with only one “R” instead of two. Dorance. Everyone seems to make that mistake – maybe I’m the one that’s wrong!

I got your letters of the 20th & 25th today – guess they need some answering so here goes.


July 20th:

You ask about the weather – well it’s like Sept. in Mpls., not too hot nor too cold. We’re getting our share of rainy days this last month. The nights are cold enough to warrant using 3 or 4 G.I. blankets. Perfect for sleeping – and incidently that’s all we use ‘em for out here even when there’s a moon.

Yes, Lee gave me the low-down on Millie & Corky – too bad. Confidentially though – and don’t quote me – I never did think Corky was good enough for that gal. I’ve always had the highest regard for Millie, and doggone, she deserves a better break than that. Hope she doesn’t let it get her down, cuz I know it’ll all work out for the best. Just call me “Mark Anthony Dip.”

That light green dress sounds very swelligant – the one you flipped a coin for. I’m sure a clerk when it comes to fabrics tho, so you’ll have to give me a brief description of chambray cotton. Or better yet send me a picture – yeah that’s a capital idea!

The folks said Sykes was home – didja get to see him?

July 25th –

That’s fine – here I am way over here slaving away – and what do you do to show your appreciation, but flirt with the U.S.O. MP’s back there! Eh gads Marion don’t you know I’m the jealous type!

Lee and I had planned to see each other next weekend but seems if we’re having a big parade on Sunday so it’s impossible.

Sorry to hear that one of my letters was so severely censored. Guess I’d better choose my words more carefully.

Do you mean Dick Benis is home to stay or just on leave?


Just heard over the radio today of the new landing in southern France – sounds good. I’m hoping this war will be all over in another year & a half. The European situation seems to be well in hand and ought to come to a close in 5 or 6 months. Our biggest headache now tho is over here. A lot more work needs to be done before those Nips start to cry “uncle.” All we need is time tho – the outcome is inevitable. We’re all just too damn anxious to get home to let any buck-toothed -------- stand in our way.

But who am I to talk on this cozy peaceful island. The only suffering I’m doing is waiting for the mail man to hand me a letter from “3943.”

Gotta hit the hay now Marion, so good night. See you soon.

Love, Dip

Christian Olsen