August 29, 1944


Aug. 29, 1944

S.W. Pacific

Dear Marion:

Well, well – been about nine days since I last wrote you. You didn’t think I’d forgotten you didja? No, not that – I’ve just been too busy to even write home. No kidding, Marion, these last two weeks have been hectic.

You see I was the only officer in the battery for a couple of weeks. The BC was off on a pass and the other officer is at school – all of which made me the Btry. Commander. Boy, did I have headaches. I was busy from morn ‘till night, but strangely enough I enjoyed it. I had a chance at last to run the btry. the way I saw fit. I’m bragging I guess when I tell you that things functioned smoothly. The non-coms all cooperated very well & that’s what makes or breaks an organization. But enuff of this shop talk.

How’ve you been Marion – still in perfect health as always I hope. According to your picture here on my desk you’re looking very well. Of course that was taken back in Calif. – haven’t seen you since [you] got back to Mpls. & gained all those pounds. Wait ‘till I get back there I’ll help you run off some of the excess – dancing, tennis, golf, horseback riding, & walking.

Say, doesn’t the war news look good! Looks like I’ll be seeing Mpls. in about another year. The European mess should clear up very soon & then maybe we’ll start a little real action in this neck of the woods. I give the Germans about two months longer – any bets?

How are you coming on your civil service job? In your last letter you sounded a bit discouraged.

You speak of your lousy golf game, gosh, doubt if I could even hit that little pill any more. I’ve got a lot of things to catch up on when I get home & golf is one of ‘em. And, young lady, be careful how you interpret that last sentence! Don’t get me wrong!

I’m sweating-out your next little communique – cuz you said you’d tell me all about the trip to Camp Grant, Ill. Hope the G.I.’s there treated you well.

Glad you’re in accord with my educational plans. Where would I go? Right there to the U. of M. I guess – that would be the cheapest because I could live at home. However there are a lot of advantages to going away to school too, so I probably won’t decide definitely on that ‘till I get home and see how well fixed I am financially. If the war lasts another full year I should be pretty well – shall we say, “in the chips.”

I visited Lee yesterday at his new outfit. He certainly seems to be enjoying his new role at B.C. and as near as I can tell he’s doing a bang-up job. I was surprised when he told me that he too was planning to go back to school when he gets home. Lee has a nice setup in his new home – even has a brick fireplace in his quarters. And a private horse to ride on his free time. I ask you – does that sound like the army?

I had a little excitement last Sat. nite. The officers in our outfit had a big blowout in town and on the way home one of the jeep drivers drove over an embankment trying to avoid hitting a cow. The car was badly wrecked, one officer badly cut, the driver cut up and bruised, and another officer broke his leg and shoulder. Another officer and myself happened along just after the crash and had to drag them out from beneath the jeep. We were only ½ mile from a hospital so we got help in a hurry. The driver was one of my own men so I’m stuck with the investigation – a nasty job.

I’ve just room to say good night Marion – g’nite!

Love, Dip


Aug. 29, 1944

So. Pacific

Dear Mom & Dad:

I’m sorry – haven’t written you in about ten days. I’ve just been too busy, I guess.

For the last two weeks I’ve been the only officer in the Btry. & consequently – the “B.C.” The regular BC was off on a pass & the other officer is away attending a school. It’s been a rough job & has kept me racing around from morn ‘till night, but strangely enough I’ve enjoyed it. At last I had a chance to run things the way I saw fit and maybe I’m bragging but everything ran very smoothly. I was both surprised & pleased.

S’cuse me a second – my “striker” just brought me a hamburger sandwich out of the goodness of his heart & gee does it hit the spot!

Last Sat. night we had a little party in town – just the officers in our Bn. We had a wonderful time – it was one of the best parties we’ve had, however on the way home we had a slight tragedy – one of the jeeps over turned. The driver & the officer in the front seat were badly cut up and bruised and another officer riding in the back seat broke a leg & a left shoulder. Lt. Blinebury & myself were right behind them and got to the scene just in time to drag them out from beneath the jeep. We were only a mile from a hospital so help arrived quickly. The driver was one of my own boys, so to me goes the nasty job of investigating the accident. I worked on it all day Sunday, so that’s why I didn’t do any letter-writing as I had intended.

Yesterday I rode up the island to visit Lee at his new outfit. He is now the B.C. of a Tire Repair Ord. Co. and getting along just great in the new job. The guy even has his own private horse to ride on his leisure hours – is that the army? He is also planning to go to school when he gets back to Mpls.

The mailman has been treating me much better recently. Have had letters from the N.Z. farmer girl, Jeanette Davidson, and also Elaine. Have heard from a few of the boy friends lately too.

I have to snicker at your tremendous poker winnings - 13¢. I wish you could see some of the checks these GI’s send home from poker games here in the Bn. Some of em are for as high as $1500.00 One man in the Btry. Sends home regularly every month a check for at least $500.00 & sometimes $1000.00 Don’t know how they do it? Glad I don’t! I’ll stick to Bridge at a tenth.

The weather here has been generally cold & rainy. Last week it rained for two nights and a day straight. Everything was a sea of mud. I’m glad we have a wooden floor in our tents, or we would have floated away.

No – there’s no such time as 24:15. Instead it’s 00:15 of the next day. Compre?

The war news certainly does sound encouraging – I believe the German “invincible supermen” will be hitting the canvas in about two months – then maybe we’ll start some real action over here. Have hopes of seeing the Milwaukee depot again in another year.

Did Arlo come up to see you when he was in Austin? I was surprised to hear that Dot liked it so well in New York. That bears investigation – guess I’ll have to swing out that way when I get back.


Is Virgy OK now? S’pose she’s already home from the hospital.

Gee that was quite a shock to hear about Calvin’s injury. Be sure to let me know if you hear anymore news about him.

I was interested to hear your views on the coming election. I have read quite a lot in Time Mag. about both candidates and the platforms, etc. Unless I change my mind for some reason before I ‘spect that Dewey’s a good man for my money.

Well, guess that’s about all for tonight I’ll now say good night. I feel swell – hope you’re the same.

Love, Dorance

Christian Olsen