September 3, 1944


Sept. 3, 1944

So. Pacific

Hi Marion:

Guess I did a little better this time – only about 4 days since I last wrote. Mail has been scarce lately and I haven’t heard from you for ‘bout ten days. Maybe tomorrow.

It’s Sunday – a very warm and sunny afternoon with just enough breeze to make it perfect. In fact, Marion, it’s one of those days that would be ideal for a ride out to Minnetonka, a picnic at Taylor’s Falls, or a stroll around Lake of the Isles. There they are take your pick & I’ll pick you up at about 1:30.

Say what d’ya know – I now have a dog, of all things. He’s a big brown “anonymous” type – walked in on me one day while I was sitting here reading. I petted him, told him a couple o’ corny jokes, gave him a brew, and he’s been here ever since. Can’t get rid of him. He doesn’t follow me around tho, I’m thankful for that. He goes somewhere during the day but always returns to spend the night with me. My roommate Lt. Armani who’s off to school for a month will be furious when he gets back – “anonymous” has been sleeping in his bed.

We just saw three really top-notch movies here: Song of Bernadett, Madam Curie, and Life of Mark Twain. I liked all three of them equally as well and I believe they represent the best I’ve seen overseas.

I payed off the battery yesterday morning, and then took a trip to the various hospitals to pay the men of our Bn. Who are laid-up. On the way I stopped in to see Lee at his new outfit. We’re about 40 miles apart now. He certainly has it nice now as the B.C. He even rates a fireplace in his quarters. We lit it last night and had a little fireside chat about home and our friends back there. Did your ears burn, Marion?


It must be nice to be in Mpls. about now with that perfect fall weather coming. Football season’s starting too – it’s my favorite season I guess. I can remember, too, how all the various clubs used to come out of their mid-summer quiescence and start swinging out at the Country Club or Columbia Chalet or Auto-Club. But enough of this nonsense – guess I have a hangover from chatting with Lee last night.

Hope you’re well & happy, Marion, and don’t forget to send a picture when you get one. Write soon.

Love, Dip


Sept. 3, 1944

So. Pacific

Dear Mom & Dad:

It’s Sunday morning – a beautiful day both sunny & warm. Just got back from church and have a few idle moments before chow time.

Yesterday morning I payed off the battery – a job I don’t mind cuz it’s fun to see the light in their eyes as I pass the bucks over the pay table. The whole pay roll for the btry. runs around $5900.00 – from that figure you can readily understand why I tote a “45” with me when I collect the cash at finance.

In the afternoon I took a ride down the line to three hospitals and payed off all of the men in our Bn. who are laid up. Every hospital has a nice P.X. so the men can use their pay while they’re sick.

While I was on this mission I stopped in to see Lee and spent the evening with him. He certainly has it nice in his new home. We had a fire in his fireplace – a luxury I haven’t enjoyed for a long while. Needless to say we had a long chat about home and all our friends.

I drew my own pay yesterday too. I probably won’t be sending any money order home this month because I have to do my Xmas shopping. Does that sound queer? Well it’s this-a-way, we have an Exchange Service which enables us to pick out various gifts from a pamphlet and pay for them right here. That was what I used when I sent those flowers to you.

You asked me what I wanted for Xmas, & gosh I can’t really think of anything I need but if you need an idea – no candy cuz we get all we want but a batch of homemade cookies (with chocolate chunks in ‘em) would be appreciated – some film – a good book such as a biography, an historical novel, or one on a par with Blood, Sweat, & Tears. Don’t send much cuz what I really want is peace & I don’t believe that can be gift-wrapped. Say, how about sending me a list of what’s in that foot-locker – I might be able to use some of the contents.


Your last letter was dated July 18th, got it on Aug. 30 and couldn’t figure out why it took so long. I discovered that you had written July instead of Aug. Hope your trip to Miltona was a success and that you managed to corner one of the men for your “4th.”

Now it’s time to put on the feedbag so I close. I’m feeling just swell & hope you are too.

Love, Dorance

Christian Olsen