August 4, 1944 (to Marion Sneen)


August 4, 1944

Same Spot

Dear Marion –

Is my morale on the bottom! No news from you for twelve days – this mail situation is really acute. My roommate, who’s wife writes at least once a day, has not heard from her for seven days – that’s an all time low for him. I know you’ve written, Marion, but your letters are probably rotting away in some forgotten mail bag. Haven’t heard from home for over a week either.

Can’t help but wonder how you came out on your Civil Service job in Hawaii. It would be very selfish & mean of me to say “hope you don’t get it,” so I won’t say it.


We saw an A-1 movie last nite “Follow The Boys” – have you seen it? There’s a lot of very good musical numbers in it, & also a fairly good plot. Dinah Shore sang I Walk Alone. Gosh, I don’t mind this life at all till I hear some mellow tune like that, then I’m completely disarmed and ready to turn in my uniform. Music always did have a terrific effect on me. The Andrews sisters sang Bic Miur Bist Du Schon – that brought back memories of ski-trains to St. Cloud and dancing at the town tavern in our wool clothes & stocking feet. I’d give a million dollars –

Just to see if I could still do it; I developed a roll of film the night before last. I’m not bragging (much) when I say it came out perfect. I’m going to make some prints when we get our printer (just a box with a light in it) made. I’ll send you some.

I just wrote Sykes, Rolie, Coll, and Swany, so I’m now up to date with my correspondence. Watch now – I’ll get a slew of ‘em at once & be in the hole again. By the way, the latest from Coll’s folks has the Lieut. in France – hope he’s O.K.

Last night I lost the sum of 60¢ playing bridge at a tenth of a cent. I’m not too unlucky though, cuz at one time my partner & I were down 1590 pts. I’m going to try to whittle on the 60¢ tonight.


Well, Marion, I certainly hope I hear from you soon. I’m getting pretty low. Hope you’re still alright. G’by for now.

Love, Dip

Christian Olsen