August 7, 1944




Dear Mom & Dad –

It’s Monday night & back to the grind again after a pleasant weekend in town with Lee & Roge. It’s late & I’m tired – also this is that heavy paper, so excuse it if I only write one sheet.

Had a swell time in town just messing around with the boys. They certainly have it nice – running water in their huts, hot water showers, radios, electric lights, & even beds with springs. Guess I’ll change my branch of service & get in on some of that gravy.

We do have one improvement out here now though – a warm shower. It’s rather coolish down here these days, being winter season, & consequently the water gets like ice. It was so cold for a while there, we didn’t shower for 5 or 6 days at a stretch. Now we can stand each other’s company again.


Bob Hope is due here next Saturday morning. He’s only going to give one show for the division, so the whole works will have to crowd into one spot. We’re going to use an air-strip – ought to be enough room, if only the amplifiers are loud enough. We’re going to go early with a deck of cards & play a few rubbers of bridge while waiting for him. Good idea?

Some of the officers went duck-hunting this weekend & brought back a dozen pretty fat quacks. We had them roasted for dinner, stuffed with dressing. Gee they certainly were a delicacy compared to all this dehydrated stuff we’ve been getting.

Well – I’ll write again about Thursday – I feel perfect, hope you do too – say hello to everyone. Good night.

Love, Dorance

Christian Olsen