September 10, 1944


S.W. Pacific

Sept. 10, 1944

Dear Mom & Dad –

I’m writing with a new $9.75 pen which I bought yesterday in our P.X. for $4.50. It writes very well but ‘tis a little coarse I believe for this porous paper. So if you don’t mind I’ll change to my old faithful. – I’ve been wanting to accumulate two pens for a long time, cuz with only one I live in dread of losing it and having to write in pencil.

Another gadget I just bought from the PX is a Scout knife. I believe that’s one of the things I had stashed away in that “AWOL” locker o’mine. They are invaluable over here especially in combat. There are so many handy tools on them – especially the can-opener.

This certainly has the ear marks of a screwy letter so far – hope it will improve as it develops.

It’s Sunday morning so just returned from church. The chaplain out-did himself today – gave a very inspiring sermon. Hope I can retain this church-going habit I’ve acquired when I get back to civilian life. Have you heard any of Rev. Raines’ sermons lately?

The “doc” shot me in the right arm yesterday. It was the annual booster shot for typhoid. The arm is sore as the deuce and yesterday I felt a little rugged from the effects. However today I’m back to a healthy norm again. I haven’t had a cold, headache, or any other ailment for so long I can’t remember the last. Tap, tap.

This last week has been slow as far as the mail situation goes. Had two letters from Dot, one from you, one from Marion Sneen, and a Minn News from dad. I’ll answer yours and then discuss the others.

Gee, you certainly are the ambitious one these days doing all that canning. Certainly hope this early peace you speak of comes in time for one to get home and help you enjoy some of those canned niceties.

I get a kick out of the vision of you and daddy sitting home slaving over the cribbage board. They play it a lot over here – as yet I haven’t learned the game. Still prefer bridge although we haven’t played as much lately.

Yes, now & then we have fresh tomatoes but very seldom. They’re native grown. We do get a lot of fresh crisp lettuce.

Oh, yes I also got that long awaited letter from Virginia. I got your letter hinting of the big news before hers came. Naturally tho when you said she had big news to tell the first this that entered my mind is “blessed event.” Yes that is indeed an exciting bit of news. Guess I’m going to have a job on my hands when I get back just getting acquainted with the new additions to the “family.”

I’m surprised to hear that you haven’t seen any movies lately – you used to go quite regularly didn’t you? We saw a peach here last night Claudia Dorothy McQuire is certainly a natural actress and very cute too.

I agree with you that Elaine and Dwight were sadly mismatched. They are too much alike. The guy that hooks Elaine will be the one that sweeps her off her feet – bordering on the rough-cut type. Almost said debonair, I mean just the opposite.


Dorothy seems to be all thrilled about entertaining you and Elaine in N.Y. Suppose you’ll already be gone when this letter reaches home. Certainly hope you have a wonderful time, and if I know Dot & Arlo & family – you will.

I’m O.D. today and I surely wish I wasn’t because its hot and I have to sit around here in full dress including leggings and pistol belt. I’d be in shorts otherwise.

Well in order to do justice to Dot’s letter I’d better cut this one off here. Maybe I’ll catch you in N.Y. G’by now.

Love, Dorance

P.S. Dad – how’s Minn. team prospects this yr?

Christian Olsen