September 24, 1944


S.W. Pacific

Sept. 24, 1944

Dear Mom & Dad:

It’s Sunday afternoon – everyone else but me is asleep. Or at least it seems that way cuz it’s so quiet around here.

We spent the whole morning parading (Division) for a visiting Admiral. It takes all morning to go & come – there are so many men & trucks involved. The Div. surely looks good tho – all dressed in CKC and sporting all their battle ribbons.

This morning one Co. of the 35th Infantry brought along a pet deer. It really was a scream for the darned animal walked right behind the C.O. as they went past the reviewing stand. There are a lot of wild deer in the hills here and this was one the boys had caught & tamed. Meat is so scarce in these parts that it must be a real strain on their will power to keep from eating it.

Church call just sounded so if you’ll excuse me I’ll be a good boy & attend. We usually hold services at 0900 but the parade interrupted the schedule.

Yup – I went to church all right, and somehow a couple o’ dozen hours slipped by & it’s now Mon. night. Here’s how it happened that I didn’t get back to my letter.

When church was over it was time to stand retreat & then of course it was chow time. After eating I sat down and censored a flock of letters. While in the middle of this task I was suddenly encircled & enveloped by a swarm of bridge players – my fate was sealed & my evening letter neglected. This afternoon I had to attend, along with all the other officers in the Bn, a critique on the last Div. maneuver. So the natural conclusion is that I didn’t get back to this little [missive] ‘till just now.

The mailman visited today & brought a letter from you, a Life magazine, & a Daily News. I got your letter in only 8 days so you see it made excellent time.

So you talked to Mrs. Swanson – haven’t heard from Swany for a long while. I was surprised to hear he was still in school – seems such a long time.


No there are none of the usual signs of spring down here such as blossoms, buds, dandelions, etc. The weather’s a bit warmer, that’s all.

I voted for Judd so that should make both you & Miss Mather happy. OK?

Now I’m going to close, cuz I’ve a lot of studying to do for an officers school that starts tomorrow afternoon. I’ll write again soon.

I’m feeling just swell these days & hope you are too. Don’t let your morale sag – this war’ll be over before you know it. G’night now.

Love, Dorance

P.S. Don’t work too hard in the laundry, Dad!

Christian Olsen