October 1, 1944


October 1, 1944

Still here

Marion –

Gosh – am I sorry – hope you’re not too mad. Are ya? I mean cuz I haven’t written to you for ten long days. This time there’s a good reason tho. You see I just moved into a new battery in the Bn. – B btry. I’m tickled pink about the move too, because it’s such a relief to get away from all the “brass” up there in Hdqs. Btry. It’s every officer’s wish to be in a firing battery & I’m no exception. I’m the Reconnaissance Officer (RO) in the btry. Which means I have charge of survey & communications. It also means that I’ll be “up front” as a forward observer with the doughfeet – where I can really see what’s going on.

So that’s why I haven’t written Marion – I’ve been so busy brushing-up for my new job. I find that I’m rusty on my survey, cuz I haven’t used it since back at Sill in O.C.S. If I’m going to teach it I like to know more about it than the men – it’ll prevent a lot of embarrassing moments.

So much for me – now how about you – been doin anything exciting lately? Say – I surely was surprised (and happy) to get two letters from you in as many days. Ya can’t make me mad that way. Pretty snitzy stationery too, it even smelled good.

When you took that ride around Spring Park I might well have been there, at least in spirit, cuz very often I just sit down with my thoughts and travel back those many thousand miles and relive those happy days of the past. I think I understand a little better now the old sage (don’t remember who) who said “he who is rich in memories never grows old.” Hey – this doesn’t sound like me – lets get out of this serious vein.

Gee this certainly is a perfect Sunday aft. to write letters or maybe sleep – it’s raining hard. Pardon me while I go into a slight trance – the radio is on & they’re playing “I Walk Alone”, I notice you mentioned it in your last letter – yes, it certainly is a beautiful song. It’s the first song I’ve heard for quite a long time that has really “hit” me. You mentioned “Time Waits For No One” – I’m listening for it but haven’t heard it as yet.

How is your boyfriend down at work? Better watch our for him Marion – I remember what a “wolf” I was at the age of “17.” Remember – you only look like about 19 yourself!

Thanks for sending me that copy of the Star Journal – I enjoyed reading it. Looks as if it hasn’t changed since I left 10 years ago. Dad sends me a copy of the Minn. News regularly so I keep up with all the latest.

Gee this rain sure makes me sleepy or mellow or sumpthin. Lets not go to that dance tonight, Marion. This is the kinda night to take a long ride – do you like to ride in the rain? Then we could stop out around Lake of the Isles somewhere and look for submarines. Or if you’d like we could just stay at your house, and get interested in a good book. You can read it to me.

Did ja hear about the gal that did so much parkin’ that they showed her on road maps?

Gee, that certainly was a good size raise you got this last month. Sounds like a wonderful place to work – better you should think twice before you decide to look for another job.

I’m glad to hear that chances are Lloyd is a prisoner & not a casualty. I understand being a prisoner of the Germans is not too bad. He’s an officer too so international law (if that means anything to them) forbids them to make him do hard labor. If they treat him decently, I doubt if Lloyd would attempt an escape.

Oh me – I’ve sat here now for 5 minutes trying to gather my thoughts. This rain is certainly conducive to wool-gathering. I guess bed is the place for me. So I’d better say g’by for now, Marion.

Love, Dip


October 1, 1944

Dear Mom & Dad –

Well it’s Sunday night and a wet one – been raining all day. Haven’t done anything constructive all day except went to church. Oh yeah, I got about 3 hours of sleep this afternoon too. Was going to write a slew of letters today too, but here it is bedtime practically and I’m writing my first. It’s getting more of a task to write as the war goes on year after year. If something would only end it soon. The European situation looked good there for awhile but now even they have slowed down. Maybe the Russians will flame-up soon. I hope.

We’re getting pretty fancy around here if anyone should ask you – we now have electricity in our officer’s quarters. How about that! I spent all yesterday afternoon wiring up my own quarters & now as a result I’m writing by Mazda instead of Coleman. Taps just blew and they turned off the generator but did I fool ‘em. I had my Coleman burning too.


Guess by now you’ll be in New York or maybe back. Hope you have a swell time. Don’t forget to write while you’re there & let me know what you’re doing.

Well there’s just nothing new to write about so I’ll just have to say so long for the present. Glad to hear that everything is so OK at home. It’s the same here, so don’t worry about me. G’by for now.

Love Dorance

P.S. Last night I lied & made a little slam in hearts. Clever, eh? I opened up with a Blackwood bid of 4 no-trump – my partner almost swallowed his gum. He had what I needed tho.

Christian Olsen