March 23, 1945


March 23, 1945


Dear Mom and Dad –

Things are a bit quiet this morning here in the gun position so I’m catching up a little on my writing. Just wrote one to Marion & one to Dorothy and now one to you. Meant to write yesterday as I said but was kept busy with fire missions all day. Also I spent part of the afternoon writing up some Bronze Star recommendation for a couple of my men who did a good job up front about a month ago.

I’m going to use this Nip paper cuz I’m low right now, and it’s just the thing for air-mail anyhow. I’m sure he won’t mind – anyway he’s not in a position to do anything about it if he does.

You’d get a kick out of one of our Chief of Sections (he’s a Sgt. in charge of one of the batteries four guns). After a big fire mission like a Bn. 12 rounds (which means 144 big rounds in the air in the space of about 15 seconds) he jumps up on the trail of the gun after things have quieted down and yells at the top a his voice, “Now, Tojo, count your men!”

So Overman is finally denying that he’s a descendant of “der master race.” That’s really a laugh.

Say Dad, it was nice of you to sacrifice and eat that extra piece of birthday-cake in my honor. I really appreciate that. Say I see you are hitting the wood for some real bowling scores these days. Gosh 619 – that’s really in there! At an opportune time too – nothing like cashing in on your hot streaks.


No – I don’t actually pilot the plane in combat now – just observe. That keeps you busy enough without fooling with the controls too. Yes, it’s possible to do both simultaneously, but you’d be a little busy cuz you also have to operate a radio and encode & decode messages, and on top of that use a map or aerial photo. You’d be like a one-armed paperhanger.

That was a good deal you made on the piano. Ninety bucks sounds a lot to me for a piano that old. Too bad Jenille took it so badly. Maybe they can afford to buy her a new one some day soon.

I was plenty burned-up and still am about your mention of those filthy Japs walking around loose in Mpls. How come? Are those people back there losing their mind? I don’t understand – please find out more about it & let me know what the deal is. You say it must be hard on the soldiers coming home on leave – well, you can just say that again.

Have to take in a little chow now, so I’ll say good bye. Hope you’re all well. I feel swell now & quite rested-up again.

Love, Dorance

Christian Olsen