March 21, 1945


March 21, 1945



Dear Mom & Dad –

First of all – to put your mind at ease – cuz you haven’t heard from me for so long, I’m still OK and feeling perfectly healthy. Haven’t had any chance to write because I’ve been up on the lines again in those nasty ol’ foxholes.

The going is extremely rugged now – we’re fighting over some of the biggest mountains I’ve ever seen. And take it from a poor forward observer they get higher as you go up. This time it rained almost every night so we slept? in a half inch of water & mud. Still I didn’t get a cold or anything so suspect I’m still able to “take it.”

I suspect that the majority of the papers & people back there think that the battle over here on this island is all over with but the mopping up operations. Some writer (I can’t recall the name) of the N.Y. Times wrote a real article telling the actual story of this campaign. He really blew the horn for the 25th Div. and told of how we were the ones who hit the main strength of the Nips on this island. Of course you know where all the publicity and interest is centered.

Oh well, so much for the war – gee it’s great to get back to the battery and that good ol’ hot chow again. Tonight we had fresh hamburger and apple pie. Much better than the K rations & chocolate bars I’ve been existing on for so long. We’re getting all the fresh bread we can eat now, and fresh meat now and then. About once a week we get a chunk of ice in for a pot of iced tea or lemonade.

We have a Btry P.X. now where we can get candy, cookies, and soda pop. It’s really a rough war. We just got an issue of beer too – one case of Hamms “in the can.” Pardon me while I open one now.


I was surprised to only have one letter waiting for me when I got back, the main flow of mail must be blocked somewhere along the line. The letter was yours of the 9th of March.

It certainly was nice of Lee and Micky to invite you over for a chat and highball. Spose Lee told you all about life on New Caledonia. That place would seem like New York to us now. I hope Lee does get up this way, but we’ll probably be taking off somewhere’s else by then. You know this war doesn’t wait around for old buddies to get together.

Well listen it’s getting dark and I have to set up my cot. I just intended to let you know I’m still around anyway. I’ll write again tomorrow if possible. G’nite.

Love, Dorance

Christian Olsen