March 9, 1945 (to Marion Sneen)


Friday, March 9, 1945


Dear Marion –

The Nip who had this stationery has no further use for it so I might as well use it up. Guess I should be writing up and down but to keep from mixing you up too much, I’ll stick to the orthodox way. No I didn’t spill that ink up there – the Jap probably did that when one of our artillery shells landed in his lap.

Well, Marion, we’ve been continually on the move since I last wrote you a week ago. I’ve been with the guns though, so I’m not living quite as ruggedly as when I was at the front with the doughfeet. Everything is going quite smoothly now and we’re making steady progress – hope it continues that way.

The Western front fighting seems to be going very well now. Over here we are naturally hoping for an early wind-up of the European war – it might help us out a lot over here. This damn thing has been going on so endlessly, sometimes you begin to wonder if it’s ever going to end. – Aw, don’t mind me, Marion, I’m not myself – tired I guess. But honestly, I want to come home so bad I can taste it. Can’t say I’m not living well or that I’m not happy over here, but at the same time I realize I’m just existing and not really living. But lets talk of other things, Marion – we’re not getting anywhere this way.

My folks wrote about Rolie’s coming home on leave – did you get to see the “lanky gob” when he was home? I’ve got to write that guy & bawl him out for not paying my folks a visit – however, I hear his mother was sick so he had to stay pretty close to home.

Hafta laff everytime I picture you on a streetcar with your skiis & poles. From some of the pictures my mom sent – it looks like you have a perfect blanket of snow to ski on now.

Gee, my memory is certainly slipping! I see by one of your back letters that you did see Rolie when you crashed that party.

I’ve never heard of waist-high poles – must be a new wrinkle. It sounds like a good idea tho so you’d better mind Ken and get going on that iron saw. Quite a coincidence – you & I both dreaming of a trip to Sun Valley sometime in the future. Hmmm! You musta been peekin!


I’m glad you liked the orchid, Marion, and can imagine how nice it must have looked on you – only wish I could have been there. Thanks for your birthday wishes too – as for the request you wanted me to send – gosh, there’s really nothing I need or want, Marion. Nothing that is that I wouldn’t have to be there in person to collect. But then you’d probably turn your cheek anyway.

It’s late now Marion & we’re going to move up in the A.M. so I’d better close & get this in the mail.

G’nite & take care of yourself.

Love, Dip

P.S. _____________.

Christian Olsen