July 17, 1945 (to Marion Sneen)

Luzon, P.I.

July 17, 1945

Dear Marion:

Today’s my anniversary – four long & barren years in the army. Isn’t it awful! Just think, Marion, I could have had a college education in that time, & be all set to take a $500 a week job, buy a home (with a white fence), and settle down to raise about 6 kids. Well, naturally a wife fits into the picture – (lets keep this dreaming on the higher levels). Anyway – all kidding aside when I do look back on all those wasted weeks & months I get pretty blue. So before we both start weeping big salty tears lets talk of other things.

Talking about (who was?) getting sentimental, I was affected a little along those lines last night at the movies. Have you seen “The Clock” with Judy Garland and Robert Walker? It really struck me the right way for some reason – I thought it was one of the most refreshing love stories I’ve seen for a long long time. I’m sure you’d like it.

This sorry sad camp of ours is strictly a sea of mud these days. With no exaggeration I say I’ve stepped in some spots where the mud went up over my knee-length rubber boots. We try to gravel & fix things up, but the rain doesn’t let up long enough for us to get a good start. However I’m not going to b--- too much, cuz it’s still lots better than sleeping in a fox hole.


Training is starting in earnest now – we had the first of a long series of afternoon schools for officers this aft. The evenings are going to be mighty short – see a movie, write a letter, study for the next day’s training and time to hit the hay. At this stage of the training there are lots of lectures to be given and they take time to prepare.


We now have a nice P.X. in operation. It’s really on the ball too – has an ice manufacturing plant and serves cold cokes. The P.X. manager is a man from B btry., so we get ice for our water at meals. Once in a while we cool off a couple bottles of beer in his machine – nice to have an “in.”

Say, how unobservant of me! I just read in one of your letters that you did see “The Clock” & liked it. Thought you would.

Eh gads – I can’t anymore concentrate right now than I can fly. There are no less than 7 hungry 1st Lts. in this tent of ours right now raisin’ the roof & chompin’ on bread & Vienna sausages & SPAM. When we get hungry we’re not fussy.

But I must say g’bye cuz it’s an impossible situation – they all send their love. It’s OK – cuz they all know you. So long.

Love, Dip

Christian Olsen