July 20, 1945


Luzon, P.I.

July 20, 1945

Dear Mom & Dad –

I’m writing from the orderly room just before chow. It’s about noon time I know, cuz I can smell the pork chops frying. Just got thru giving a lecture on Tactics, so my labors of the day are thru. Our schedule only runs ‘till 11:30 for the present. It’ll probably increase at a later date.

Our area is strictly a sea of mud these days. It rains every day & most every night – never seen anything like it. Even combat boots are useless here – we have been issued rubber knee-length boots to handle the situation. We used to drive a jeep from the Btry to our quarters (it’s a 600 yd. walk), but after putting a couple in a mud hole we have taken to walking.


Eh gads – no rest for the wicked. Just heard that we officers must go to a firing demonstration this afternoon. No bunk fatigue.

Tomorrow Tony & I are planning to take off for Manila over the weekend. They say there’s nothing exciting to do there, but I know we’d never be satisfied if we didn’t at least see the famous town. Anyway I may be able to get some good pictures of the ruins.

Our officers club is having it’s grand opening this Sat. night – guess we won’t be around for it. It’s the first shin-dig the Bn. officers have had since coming out of combat, so I’m positive it’ll be a wild one. Licquor will flow like water – I’m just as well off missing it.

I’ve been feeling fine all along in case you’re wondering. Don’t know if it’s the heat or just the climate but colds are practically non-existent. My feet have been wet a dozen times in the last month & no ill effects. Yesterday I felt sort of sick to my stomach in the afternoon, but I took a 2 hr. nap & woke up healthy again. I had stayed up ‘till 0100 the night before – maybe I just needed sleep.

Chow time – I say g’bye & write you later.

Love, Dorance

Christian Olsen