August 11, 1944


Aug. 11, 1944


Dear Mom & Dad:

It’s Fri. afternoon – I have an hour before I have to start dressing up for retreat so guess I’ll say hello.

Just got thru censoring about 50 letters – took me all of 20 minutes. I’ve read so many of ‘em that I’ve learned to skim & catch the things they shouldn’t say.

Got a haircut today too – getting ready for a “big” weekend. Bob Hope is coming in a U.S.O. show so I must look my best in case I see Francis Langford.

We had a good movie last night – “Girl Crazy” with Micky Rooney & Judy Garland. It was just as crazy & entertaining as all the rest of theirs. Tomorrow might we see “His Butler’s Sister” with Diana Durbin – another A-1 show. We do all right for way out here don’t we.

No – we don’t get any election speeches at all out here. I guess that’s one agony they’ve spared us. But the Gov’t is surely going to take care of us as far as voting in this Nov. 7th election. All of us who desire it will get by mail an absentee war ballot. I’m the voting officer for the Btry. & am kept in a constant sweat answering all the questions.


I received another letter from you yesterday – that’s three in two days now, dated July 20, 23 & 25. I sure appreciate hearing so often – the mail situation is still “snafu” here. Haven’t heard from anyone else but you for three weeks.

Thanks for the snaps of you folks on vacation. You both look exactly the same as when I left a year ago. Hey, your gettin’ pretty Hollywoodish wearing those slacks aren’t you, mom? It was fun to see how the Carlsons look. Can’t remember meeting them while I was home.

So your playing cribbage? The officers play a lot of it around here, but I don’t know the game. Tried to learn the game once but couldn’t get interested for some reason. That was back in N.Z. so guess I just didn’t have time to get into it.


No, I hadn’t heard about Stassen’s being in the Saipan invasion. Wonder what he’s up to in Washington?

Yes, we have sweet corn now & then, but I sure could go for one of those home grown tomatoes.

No – no hives, guess I’ve definitely grown out of them.

It’s just about time to polish my shoes for retreat so I’d better say g’by. Hope everythings O.K.

Love, Dorance

P.S. Am enclosing a $60.00 money order.

Christian Olsen